My life.

By Ninoca
  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in March 31st, 2008, in Novo Hamubrgo, RS.
  • My first birthday

    My first birthday
    My first birthday was in March 31st, 2009, celebrated with a party.
  • I went to school for the first time

    I went to school for the first time
    My first day of school, when my parents came with me, while adapting to school.
  • I went to elementary school

    I went to elementary school
    When I went to first grade, and elementary school.
  • I spent my great-grandmother's 90th birthday

    I spent my great-grandmother's 90th birthday
    When I spent my great-grandmother's 90th birthday, with my BIG family.
  • I went to Cataratas do Iguaçu

    I went to Cataratas do Iguaçu
    The day that my sister, my dad and I, went to Cataratas do Iguaçu and saw, that beautiful waterfall.
  • I went to Beto Carrero

    I went to Beto Carrero
    When I spent some days in that very fun, amusement park. I went there with my sister, and my dad.
  • I got my first pet

    I got my first pet
    The day that I got Lolla, my first pet. At that time she was very crazy, and ran around the house, and now she just wants to stay asleep.
  • I went to Disney

    I went to Disney
    When I went to Disney for the second time. I went there with my dad, sister, aunt, uncle and cousin.
  • I got my second pet

    I got my second pet
    When I got my second pet, Dory. In that times she had a very dark fur, and now she is blond.
  • I spent the new year in garopaba

    I spent the new year in garopaba
    I spent one week in Garopaba, SC. I went to the beach, to my fiend's house, and to lots of restaurants.
  • I went to English Camp

    I went to English Camp
    When I went to SP with my last year group. It was a very nice trip!
  • I left pindorama

    I left pindorama
    My last day in Pindorama. We had so much fun with powder paint in our last day in Pindo.