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My Life

By N_Athos
  • Dad came to Canada

    Dad came to Canada
    My dad moved from Bosnia to Canada this day.
  • Mom came to Canada

    Mom came to Canada
    My mom came from Bosnia then went to Sweden and finally ended up moving here.
  • Parents Married

    Parents Married
    This is when my parents married each other.
  • Birth

    I was born on this day in Mississauga.
  • Got a Bird

    Got a Bird
    My parents decided it would be fun to get a bird named Chloe.
  • Baby Brother was Born

    My little brother Len was born on this day.
  • Moved to Kitchener

    Moved to Kitchener
    I made the first big step in my life. I moved from Mississauga to Kitchener. It was quite frightening at that time.
  • Interesting School Year

    Interesting School Year
    I began going to school in Kitchener and I befriended many people who I still talk to, to this day.
  • Bosnian Vacation

    Bosnian Vacation
    I spent a month with my family, grandparents, cousins etc. It was an interesting trip, we noticed the culture and lifestyle is different.
  • Graduated Elementary School

    Graduated Elementary School
    I left Sandhills to go to WestHeights.
  • Graduated Middle School

    Graduated Middle School
    I graduated Westheights and took a leap of faith and chose my highschool.
  • Joined High School

    Joined High School
    I joined high school, I thought it would be scariest thing in the world but it seems really easy and fun now.
  • Joined League of Legends

    Joined League of Legends
    I joined the MOBA called League of Legends under the influence of friends. It has 30 million daily players, and is a popular video game.
  • Dog Died

    Dog Died
    Ino the Eskimo Spitz died on this day as we were picking him up from the kennel.
  • Brother Got A New Dog

    Brother Got A New Dog
    My brother got decently surprised when I hid fluffy the cockapoo in a present, he was expecting a robot.
  • Swedish Vacation

    Swedish Vacation
    I went for a month long vacation. I saw some of my family there. It was a blast.
  • Grade 10, when I made this timeline

    Grade 10, when I made this timeline
    I made this timeline for a Careers project.