my life

  • my birth

    my birth
    popped out of my mom and thats me
  • said mama

    ssaid first word havent stop since
  • first step

    boss baby learn to walk
  • got first bike

    got first bike
    on my third birthday i got my first bike
  • start soccer league

    start soccer league
    started beasting in socer
  • won first soccer championship

    won first soccer championship
    me and my team, the tigers, won the air force championship

    we moved to az from texas
  • went to bfcs

    went to bfcs
    went to bfcs and it suck
  • play soccer in az

    play soccer in az
    started playing af three months of a break
  • moved houses

    moved houses
    went to another house
  • went jmps

    went  jmps
    went to my junior high it sucked
  • brother graduated

    brother graduated
    me brother graduated from high school
  • went to mhs

    went to mhs
    came here it ight
  • brother left

    my brother left for basic training