
My Life

By LWitte
  • Birth

    God allowed me to be made in his image and likeness. Also, I can now explore the world and live my life the way hee intended.
  • Baptism

    God purified me and I was able to be a part of my Church.
  • Hip Infection

    God helped me get through this time in the hospital.
  • Started Kindergarten

    God allowed me to learn more about my Catholic faith at school.
  • Washington D.C. for funeral at Arlington

  • First Communion

    I was able to participate more in the Lord's mass.
  • Runner up in photography contest

    Runner up in photography contest
    God allowed me to see the beauyy in the flowers.
  • Confirmation

    I am now more involved in Mass and can be a leader for younger children.
  • Mary Day

    Mary Day
    God helped me learn about Mary and I became closer to Mary and GOd.
  • 8th Grade Graduation

    8th Grade Graduation
    This allowed me to move on from St. William and partiicipate in my religion in Seton.
  • First Day of High School

    First Day of High School
    I can now be a part in ministry at Seton. Also, God helped me get through the day without worrying.