My Life

  • Birth

    At 11am on December 16th, 1998 I was brought into this world. I was expected to be born on Christmas but the doctors gave my parents the choice of inducing my mom early. I was my moms second daughter, but my dads first and only child which made my expectants even more exciting. This was the day my journey of life began.
  • Glasses

    I would always cry to my parents that something wasn't right. They could tell by looking at me that my eye was shifting to the corner which caused me to see things as almost double. I was referred to an eye doctor which explained to my parents that I had multiple problems with my vision including lazy eye, and near sighted. Having glasses doesn't seem so bad but for me it was terrible. They forced me to wear a patch for hours which I hated, which caused me to be insecure at such a young age.
  • School

    Pre-school is a traumatizing experience for both a parent and a child. This was the first time I was alone without my parents by my side. This was the first time I was able to make friends of my own without my parents help. School teaches a child so much which will help them in the future. It prepared me for elementary school, which then prepares you for middle school, then high school. This was the beginning of preparing me for bigger things yet to come.
  • Dance

    My mom put my sister in dance at a young age and decided to do the same for me because she loved it so much. I danced for almost 7 years, and it became a part of me. Dance was my life, and I loved it so much and thought I couldn't live without it. It caused me to create so many memories, and friendships which I could never forget. Dance was an experience to make me feel like alive and to learn how to be compassionate about something.
  • Cancer

    Even though I was so young my grandma getting sick was a life changing event for me and my family. I still understood what was going on and what could happen if treatment didn't work which was the worst part. She was diagnosed with breast cancer unexpectedly. For treatment the doctors put her through chemo which caused her to lose her hair. Watching her become sicker and sicker was something I'll never forget. Luckily she survived and is now happier, and healthier than ever,
  • High School

    Going from a school with two grades to a school with four with kids who were much older than myself was a big step. Entering highschool was scary and deffinetly life changing. Starting the first day of 9th grade everything began to count. Middle school didn't prepare us for what we were about to get into. From getting no homework to hours of it was challenging. I had to try my hardest each day to develop good grades, because this is what my future began to depend on.
  • First job

    Turning 16 meant one thing and that was getting a job. I heard that sesame place was hiring, which it always was and decided to apply. I got the job on the spot and this changed my life. Since I wanted to do lifeguarding, I had to go through hours of training which caused me to put even more effort into my first job. Before this I had no idea what it was like to have to change my plans and put a responsibility I had first. It caused me to become independent and work hard for something I wanted.
  • License

    On my 16th birthday I decided to be like many kids my age and get my permit. Actually operating a car without sitting in the passengers side beside my parents was a scary thought. Learning to drive was so difficult and stressful. Driving means your life is in your hands. One wrong move in the drivers seat and you could seriously hurt or kill someone including yourself. Getting my license taught me to always be cautious no matter the circumstance.
  • Graduation

    The greatest years of my life are soon to come to an end. Four years of good friendships and memories are to be left behind. I'm moving onto new things in the world and am leaving a big part of me behind. High school has done it's job well to prepare me for the real world. I grew into who I am today from my experiences in high school. This is the biggest and most deserving day so far in my life. It's very bittersweet but better things are yet to come.
  • College

    Deciding on the right college was the hardest thing for me to do in my life by far. I applied to multiple schools which I did get accepted to. Narrowing it down was so simple, I became stuck between two. One was over 2 hours away, which I didn't think would be so smart if something were to happen to my family. The other just wasn't what i was looking for when visiting. I never even considered Bucks but finally decided it is the right choice for me and ill be saving thousands of dollars.