my life

  • birth day

    I was born in Milwaukee Wisconsin.
  • me and my cat

    Me and my cat unrolled a roll of toilet paper and draged it all around the house.
  • First day at chool

    I went to my first day of school at tippecanoe. I was scared because I thought I was the only one there who never whent to school before.
  • ps3

    I got my first video game on Christmas 2006
  • I met my best friend Larry

    I met a Larry on the first day of school in k5
  • My fiest A

    I got my first A ever in 4th grade.
  • New cat

    I got a new cat and I named him Bdots
  • My first day of middle school.

    I started my first day of middle school.
  • Summer feast.

    I went to summer feast for the first time with my cousins.
  • My first time line

    I am making my first time line in the internet.