My life

By Mary_E
  • My birth!

    I was born March 14,2002 in Woodlands Texas to John and Kimberley Greenhouse
  • Get my 1st puppy!

    I got my first dog named Marley on my 1st birthday! He is a piitbull and chow mix he is still my favorite dog.
  • First Hair cut!!

    When i was 4 i had lond white blonde spiral curly hair and then i got bored i guess and i got bored and i chopped it all of above my ears and we had to go to the barber shop the next day so they could fix it !!LOL
  • Divorce

    My parents got divorced when i was 8 years old right before my birthday
  • My mom graduates college!

    My mom graduates college!
    My mom had me very young so i was with her when she graduated college i was with her at her ceremony and i got to pin her as a nurse i had a pretty green dress to match my green eyes
  • first day of 3rd grade!!!

    first day of 3rd grade!!!
    It was my first day of 3rd grade i remember i used to be sooo chubby lol!!!!
  • my dad got married

    my dad got married to my now step mom Claudia in December of 2009
  • MY mom got Married

    my mom got married to my step dad in september of 2010
  • I moved to my grandmas

    My step dad was not very nice when he was drunk so one oight he threw my om through a wall and he hit me and my siblings and he had touched me i told CPS and then i moved in with my grandmother
  • I moved in with my uncle

    then i moved in with my uncle!!
  • I moved with my dad

    I then moved with my dad and step mom where i now live today!!
  • My 10th b day!

    i turned 10 on march 14 2012
  • I started jr high

    i started jr hiigh in 2012
  • I Came out of the closet

    i came out of the closet as bi in 6th grade