my life

  • my birth

    my birth
    I was born in Bogota DC in the clinic of the 144
  • Enter to study

    Enter to study
    I started my studies all five years at a district college in Kennedy
  • mount cycles for the first time

    mount cycles for the first time
    I Monte Cila at the age of 9 years due to the initiation of my mother who wanted me to practice a sport
  • I lost years at school

      I lost years at school
    I lost years for being very distracted and not very studiousin fifth grade
  • birth of my younger brother

     birth of my younger brother
    My sister was born in the western clinic on a Monday, which I did not attend class to see her.
    I am in the sixth year of high school
  • I met the United States

     I met the United States
    It was my first trip out of the country and I knew all the Disney parks
  • the pet of my house arrives the misis

     the pet of my house arrives the misis
    Messi is a cat that we adopted when we were four months old and he became a fundamental part of the family
  • I graduated from my military service and college

     I graduated from my military service and college
    I finished my school with my military sebicio since I studied in a military school, share many bibencias and this that is in the photo are my friends or spears
  • admission to university

     admission to university
    I entered the university to study law because they wanted to learn and be able to defend those who could not, I really like this career
  • I rendezvous with my best friend

    I rendezvous with my best friend
    See you for more than a year since she left for Medellin and I came to Bogota this December I had the opportunity to go there and spend the new year with her