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My Life

  • Birth

    I came out of my mommys tummy. I was so cute.
  • Peas. Dun, Dun, Dun.

    I was not even 1. When I was eating peas. I stuck peas up my nose. By the way My Mom had to stick her fingers up my nose to get them out.
  • chase my sister in a walker

    I was standing with my walker and I made a face that my sister was scared of and I chased her around the kitchen.
  • First Camping trip

    In the summer of 2003 I went on my first camping trip at that time I was in a popup camper.
  • surgery

    ( do not know exact date) When I was born 19 days early my right ear was in my head. Flush! in the fall of 2005 I got my ear removed from my head.
  • my first cruise

    my first cruise
    I went on my first cruise using the royal cruise company. At that time I was 2 years old.
  • My first live sports game

    When I was at my first blue jays game. When I seen the Jays mascot!!! I was freaked out. Ahhhh! I was scared and hid under my chair. When he was not around I said " Mommy wheres the bird, mommy wheres the bird. For the rest of the game.
  • got my first pet

    I got a pet fish named Goldi.
  • went to disney land for my first time

    went to disney land for my first time
    I went to disney land. On the trip I went on the yeti I was so scared. My favourite ride was the Thunder run. I had a great time.
  • Rock climbing

    Rock climbing
    I went to New Hampshire, U.S.A. At My camp ground We had Christmas. I got the book Called "what kind of Buttasaur is that". And a growing marshin. When I was rock climbing I can go almost 200 feet without taking a break. on our way back from rock climbing, My Dad farted. Then a couple metres down the trail we saw a moose so when you toot its a Moose call.
  • Leafs game

    I went to a Toronto Maple Leafs with my Mom, Dad and sister. The Leafs were facing the Carolina Hurricanes and won 3-0!! Go Leafs.