
My life :]

  • My born

    I was born in Santa Marta, Colombia at 5:00 pm in the Seguro Social Clinic.
  • My life's beginning

    My name is Erika Patricia Arrieta Arenas. Actually I've 17 years old. My dad is Carlos Arrieta (RIP) and my mom is Betty Arenas. I have only one brother called Carlos Mario, who has 21 years.
  • My first 2 years

    My first 2 years
    With only two years I was a very playful and sweet child. According with my mom when I had one year I had chickenpox. In this photo I'm with my brother in his grade.
  • My first comunnion

    My first comunnion
    My fist comunnion was in a church called Santa Cruz, in the south of the city. It was a really nice ceremony, and my mom said that my dress was the most beautiful of all.
  • My father's death :(

    This was the worst day in my life. It was awful, and the worst is I remember perfectly that day...
  • My High School grade :)

    My High School grade :)
    This was one of the happiest days in my life. I felt pretty happy because I dreamed a lot with that moment and I got some honorable mentions, my mom and my brother were so proud of me and it made me feel realized :)
  • My first job

    I told my mom I wanted to workd for first time so she got me a job as saleswoman in a shoe store (Calzado Bucaramanga) in the center. Although it was so strenuous and stresful I learned many things, I got experience and the sensation of satisfaction of earn money by myself was great.