My Life

  • My Little sister Olivia was born.

    My Little sister Olivia was born.
    This day My little sister Olivia was born. I thought she came out of a closet. When she was born she didn't cry for 30 minutes. They couldn't get her to breath. I was her very first friend. When she first cried i did too. I was so happy she wasn't dead. That moment was one of the BEST things in my life.
  • I cut my head.

    I cut my head.
    I was running around the house with a big stuffed lamb. I tripped over a blanket and fell onto a wooden rocking foot rest. My Ganny watched my sisters as my mom and dad took me to the hospital. After I got there they had to call a plastic surgeon to fix the huge gash. It was so deep that you could see the bone. We came home and it was midnight.
  • I got my fist American Girl Doll

    I got my fist American Girl Doll
    I had been asking for a doll named Kaya for over 5 years. When I opened my gift I opend it at the bottem all I saw was her shoes and I cried. I was so happy. My dad opend the box and I carried her around for 9 hours. That night i had dance. i sat her down in the coner of the class room.
  • My mom was taken away from me.

    My mom was taken away from me.
    This was the last of second grade. I came home and had mcdonalds and went to be. At about 8:00 pm I peeked out my window to c a cop car. I got im scared and I saw Mr. Fulkerson in my house. I said "daddy what is going on?" he said "go back tobed NOW!" i cried and ran into my oldersister's room. about 10 minutes later an abulance was there. they took my mom about 15 finutes after that my grandparens came and took Olivia, Marisa and I back to us back to our house.
  • The Divorce.

    The Divorce.
    I found out my parents were getting a divorce on my birthday. my dad told us we were moving away for a while. i didnt think he ment forever but he sure did. as we got to our new house we met becca and went swimming. then they took us out to eat at crackerbarrle. they told us we were gonna get a new sister. they named her Kaitlynn.