
My Life

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I was born on July 29th 1997 in the Avera Hospital In Sioux Falls South Dakota. My parents name's are Jamie Beldin and James Corbin 1.
  • My first Christmas

    My first Christmas
    The first christmas I went to see Santa Clause in the Mall in Sioux Falls. I was one year old.
  • MY little sister birth

    MY little sister birth
    I was six when she was born. Nowshe is eight years old. She is now rotten spoiled
  • Wedding

    My Dad married a woman named Tracy Annette Steussi. She is now my step mom. She is working right now.
  • First Head injury

    First Head injury
    I was going to the bathroom and there was a nail that was lose and Carl Brunning shut the door and the screw or nail slit my head open. I was in first grade and I was six. Mrs. Smith heplped me. The bathroom was coverd with blood.
  • I got surgury for my Appendix

    I got surgury for my Appendix
    This is a picture of my appendix when I had surgury. I started a day before and I went to the Avera Hospital. My mom took me.
  • My first time being at Wild Water West

    My first time being at Wild Water West
    My aunt Janie took Me,Chris Bob, Christian,Hannah, Adrianna, Emily, Sammy To wild water west
  • The first day that I met my aunt Nancy and uncle Dan

    The first day that I met my aunt Nancy and uncle Dan
    This Day I met my aunt and uncle that Iv'e never seen before. they drove from Indiana. 16hr
  • Computer Class

    Computer Class
    We are in computer class with Mr. Michel on the 12 of March in 2012.