My life

By chadh
  • My birth

    My birth
    This was the day that i was born in indianapolis, indiana at methodist hospital.
  • Best friend

    This is the day that my bestfriend Joe was born. He has had a huge impact in my life in the way we got in huge trouble but also had some awesome times getting in trouble.
  • first day of school

    first day of school
    this is the first day that i ever went to school besides pre school and kinder garten thsi was the day that i started first grade at eagle elementry
  • first broken bone

    This was the day that i broke my foot on the swings during reeces. Still to this day teachers remember at eagle for that incident.
  • Football

    This was the month that i got to have an extended football season with the Brownsburg All Star Football. It wall a lot of fun going to tournaments and actually winning them.
  • Simming

    this is this is the year that I started to swim for BEMS, and after that i started to seim club swimming until now when i joined the highschool team.
  • Dirtbike

    This is the day that i started to dirtbike this highly impacted my life because now all i do is eat sleep and breathe dirtbiking.
  • Racing

    This is when i had my first race this day really inspired me to become a pro racer.
  • First Day of Highschool

    First Day of Highschool
    This is my first day of Highshcool. This marked a big day in my life and that is that im getting older and my childhood is almost over.
  • Triathaloms

    This is the day that i did my first triathalon and ever since this triathalon i have become sponorsed and now race for bicycle outfitters.