
My lerning lenguage timeline

  • My birthday

    My birthday
    This is the day I was born
  • My first word

    My first word
    On this date I said my first word, in spanish
  • My first English word

    My first English word
    On this date I said my first word in english
  • School

    When I was 6 years old I started primary school where I learned a lot about different languages
  • My first lenguages

    My first lenguages
    Whith 8 years old I already knew how to speak and write in catalan and spanish
  • My third language

    My third language
    In this date I already knew a minimum of English
  • Traveling and comunication

    Traveling and comunication
    When I went to Norway I had to talk to the people there in English and I practiced quite a lot
  • I like to talk

    I like to talk
    In that date I already communicate perfectly in English and I can travel and talk with people without any problems
  • My fourth language?

    My fourth language?
    I already know (just a little) Japanese
  • Latin

    Now, at school, I am studying latin as an optional one