
My language timeline

By AleaA2
  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in the hospital of Sabadell
  • I enter in the school with 3 years old

    I enter in the school with 3 years old
    I enter for first time at a school becouse i don't do a nursery school becouse i stay in my house with my mother
  • I start to play handball with 5 years old

    I start to play handball with 5 years old
  • My first test

    My first test
    My first test was when i did first of primary, my mark was three
  • The first day in my high school

    The first day in my high school
    My first day in the high school was in IES Sant Quirze of Valles
  • The first word¡¡¡

    The first word¡¡¡
    My first word was 'MAMA' with 8 month