Immigs walk pier lg

My journey to Ellis Island

  • Born-Berlin,Germany

    This is the city I was born I was here for 20 years and then i decided to go to america to get a better job. I'm writing this for the other imagrants and my family.
  • Life living in a tenement

    Life living in a tenement
    It was horrible to live in a tenement because I didnt have a lot of money and I had to sleep with other people that I didnt know and it smelled really bad because there were no shower and no bathrooms so we had to do our buisness on the street that we walked on.
  • Going to Ellis island

    Going to Ellis island
    Going to Ellis island wasnt very fun because I had to go see if i have a disease or not and also I wanted to do this because then i can be with my family and get a better job then what i had.
  • Working on a skyscrapper

    Working on a skyscrapper
    It was fun to work on skyscrappers unless you fell then it would be horrible to do because falling wouldnt be very fun and the wind can push you sometimes and you have to try to balance so that you dont slip.
  • Going through Ellis island

    Going through Ellis island
    It was diffucult but I finally made it and I can be with my family and have a good job. Also I met a friend there but he had to stay behind for a night to be checked what kind of sickness he has. I wished he couldve came with me at first but then i never seen him again after i went through ellis island.
  • Finally at America!

    Finally at America!
    Finally I was at america and I loved it. It was huge and my family was waiting for me when I got off the boat. Also they were so proud of me that they gave me a chance to live with them and stay there however long i wanted to. Also i got a job as a carpenter.