My Development Timeline - Final Draft

  • Birth

    Nine months after conception, I was born. My parents brought me home from the hospital, where I continued to bond with my siblings and parents. I was breastfed, which led to a strong parent-infant bond with my mother.
  • Period: to

    My Developmental Life - Prenatal to the School Years

  • Left with a babysitter for the first time (P)

    When I was only a month old my parents left me with my first babysitter, my grandmother. This was an important event because I was attached to my mother naturally, but secure attachment was displayed and I felt comfortable with my grandmother.
  • Received immunizations (B)

  • First word spoken (C)

    At approximately 7 months old I babbled my first word, which was "mama"/"wawa".
  • First step taken (C)

    At nearly 10 months old, I took my first step, and was walking just weeks later.
  • Fell into the pool (P)

    Sometime in the summer when I was about 4, I was playing around by our pool in the backyard and my grandma was supposed to be watching me. I somehow managed to slip into the pool and panicked because I didn't really know how to swim and didn't have a lifevest on. My grandma jumped into the water and pulled me out, saving me from drowning. This was another traumatic event in my life that I will remember, but has not made me fear water though.
  • First major injury (B)

    While up north in the summer when I was five years old, I had my first major injury. I was on the swings at the park with my father and sister, and I was walking behind the swings as my dad jumped off of his swing, the swing smacking me right in the mouth & splitting my lip open. This was a traumatic event for me which I think I will always remember.
  • Kindergarten (C)

    When I was 5 I started kindergarten at a local elementary school. This is an important event in a young child's life, where they get to experience many new things such as being on their own at school for the day without parents and making new friends.
  • Started playing sports (B)

    In the summer when I was almost 9 years old, I began playing softball, which was the start of it all. Throughout the years I got involved in other sports such as basketball, soccer and tennis. Physical activity is an important part of children's lives and is key to a healthy lifestyle. Also around this time, I developed asthma, which was more pronounced when I played sports.
  • Took accelerated classes (C)

    When I started fifth grade, I was placed into accelerated classes because of my grades and desire to learn.
  • Best friend stage and religion (P)

    Around the time when I was 12, I formed close friendships which is an important part of psychosocial development for children. Also around this time I became involved in my church and made friends there as well.
  • Puberty - started menstruation (BS)

    When I was 12 years old, I hit puberty and began the menstrual cycle.
  • Accelerated math courses in middle school (C)

    In middle school, I took a placement exam and was put into accelerated mathematics courses. These courses helped me become more ready for high school.
  • First boyfriend, first kiss (BS)

    When I was 14 years old and in middle school, I had my first "boyfriend" and my first kiss. This is an important event in any adolescents life.
  • High school graduation & gaining identity (PS)

    During my senior year of high school, I began to gain my identity and knew where I was going to college and what I wanted to do in life. I also had my first serious relationship which lasted a year and a half, before finding out that I had been cheated on, which made me slow to trust anyone for a while.
  • Appearance begins to matter (BS)

    During emerging adulthood, the stage which I am currently in, I began to care more about what I looked like. I began running and completed my first half marathon and also began dieting. I have helped myself get back in shape and am living a healthier lifestyle.
  • The break-up (C)

    This June, I ended a relationship that I had been in for three and a half years. I feel that I found myself and set my priorities straight, deciding that the relationship just wasn't what I wanted anymore and realized that we were at different stages in our lives right now.
  • New relationship, Identity & Intimacy stages (PS)

    I feel as though I am achieving the stages of identity and intimacy at my current point in life. I very recently started a relationship with a new guy and am focusing more on making myself happy and am looking to settle down within the next few years.
  • Period: to

    Adulthood (The Future)

  • Wedding bells and children (BS)

    Since I am not currently in my adulthood, these next events will be purely guesses of where I think/hope to be at that point in my life. By 2015 I hope to be married, settled into a house and thinking of having children.
  • Career (C)

    By 2020 or there-abouts I hope to be settled into my professional career as a financial analyst for a large firm such as GM or another financial institution. I hope to have progressed far in my career in this point and gain expertise with age.
  • 50th Birthday - Midlife/grandchildren/etc

    On September 6th of 2040, I will be turning 50 years old. I hope to be passing through the Erickson stage of generativity at this point and reflect positively on my life. I want to watch my children grow into adults themselves and possibly have grandchildren by this time. I also vision myself caring for my own aging parents and hope to be in a long-term marriage as well. I will also be going through menopause at this time, or at least starting it. (Possible midlife crisis?)
  • Period: to

    Adulthood through The End

  • Aging & staying healthy (BS)

    By the time I'm 65 years old, I will be entering the Late Adulthood stage. I will be continuing in the aging process and hope to still be exercising and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I will be spending quality time with my children and grandchildren and will hopefully have a positive outlook on life still.
  • I remember back when.. (C)

    I hope that when I am in my late adulthood, I can still remember things from my younger years and do not begin having memory loss or have Alzheimer's. I plan on taking classes to continue my creativity skills and keep my brain active and my body healthy. I will also share stories with my grandchildren about when I was younger.
  • Integrity (PS)

    I hope to feel a sense of integrity instead of despair, in terms of Erickson's stages. I hope to be proud of my life and what I've done and not look back with regret of "could have beens" for example. I will be retired by this age hopefully and will be settling into it. I would love to retire to another state such as California or at least have a home there for the winter months. I will also continue my education to keep my brain active. I would like to age in place, not at a nursing home.
  • Death

    Not that I really want to plan out my death or think of when I will die, I think I will pass around the age of 85 or so, as seems to be a common age in my family. If all goes well and I do not develop any major illnesses by this time, I would be satisfied living to be this age. I also hope to pass in the most peaceful way possible, with my loved ones by my side.