My birth

  • my birth

    I was born on August 19 2004.I was born and raised in N.C.My grand parents and brother rushed over to the hospital in the really early morning.
  • My sister was born.

    My sister Nour was born.Like me she was born in NC but I was still yun g so I did not know what was going on.She was born at night
  • 60 blows

    60 tornados hit Tennessee 29 people die
  • Malak was born

    My sister Malak was born in NC in the morning like Nour
  • tragety in Turkey

    Hrant Daink turkesh news reportar assasanated by 17 year old Ogun Jamas
  • the cutty sark

    the cutty sark is in a fire
  • Moving to M.S

    we moved to M.S.It was snowing when we got threre.
  • byby minister

    Syran Lebanese minister ASSASANATED in Beirut.
  • visiting grand parents

    We went viset my grand parents in NC we went to piret land
  • bomb boyach

    two car bombs go off in Algiers. about 45 people die and 29 ingerd
  • Mom's birthday

    My mom"s birthday was in Saudia Arabia she turneg 33
  • dady"s birthday

    My dad's birthday in KSA he turned 35
  • Sorry supermarket

    A supermarket fire kills 392 and injers 500 people.
  • Apresadent is born

    Abraham Lincon is born