
my birth..

  • my birth..

    my birth..
    my told me that I was fat.my mommy was very happy with my family.
  • my firts year

    my firts year
    my mother made me a party.my mother told me that I got many gifts...
  • my two years old

    my two years old
    when I was two years I lived with my mother in bogota. my mother worked in a school...
  • my others years....

    my others years....
    I don't remember more about me .only until my twelve years ...but I remember that my mother didn't live with me
  • my birthday number twelve.....

    my birthday number twelve.....
    my dad made me a cake...and bougth me a beautiful dress
  • thirteen years

    thirteen years
    I was very happy because I played so much....and cared of my litlle brother
  • my fourteen years

    my fourteen years
    in the church my friens made a party for me .I enjoyed so much
  • my fiveteen.....

    my fiveteen.....
    I had a beautiful party.....my friends gave me many presents and a serenade....
  • my sixteen ....

    my sixteen ....
    I made a party in the church with mome friends ......it was funny because it was nice day.......
  • seventeen years

    seventeen years
    that day I had flu...I was very sick but my classmates and my brothers gave me some presents
  • my Eight years....

    my Eight years....
    That day I was very sad .I came home from school and cryed a lot
  • Nineteen years...

    Nineteen years...
    in my birthday I was in the university because I had class,but my dad sent me a cake that said HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAO....

    tomorrow is my birthday and I dont know that doing.BECAUSE
    I will be here in class.......