My Biography

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born in San Salvador, El Salvador on December 30th, 1996, day very special and important for my parents.
  • My baptism

    My baptism
    My baptism was in the church " Fray Anton de Montesinos",Soyapango. The day I became a daugther of God to the church.
  • My first day in the school.

    My first day in the school.
    My first day in the school was on January, 2001. I don't remember exactly the day. The day I met several classmates and friends until far.
  • Birth of my 1st brother

    Birth of my 1st brother
    He was born in San Salvador, El Salvador on September 10th, 2002. An important day for my parents and me also because I could play with someone else.
  • Preschool graduation

    Preschool graduation
    It was in the school Fray Martin de Porres. The graduation day was important because I passed preschool education to basic education.
  • Birth of my 2nd brother

    Birth of my 2nd brother
    He was born in San Salvador, El Salvador on March 24th, 2006. Another day important for my family because came another member to the family.
  • My firt communion

    My firt communion
    It was in the church "Fray Anton Montesinos" on November 18th, 2006 , Soyapango, San Salvador. A day important in my life because I received the body and blood of Jesus.
  • Happy 15th birthday

    Happy 15th birthday
    Happy Day because I was 15 years, but that day is not celebrated until several weeks after.
  • Party 15th

    Party 15th
    That day the party was held at the Centro Recreativo Bienestar Policial, Mejicanos. Beautiful experience with my family and friends.
  • Mass of Thanksgiving in the church.

    Mass of Thanksgiving in the church.
    It was in the church "Fray Bartolome de las Casas", Altos del Cerro, Soyapango, El Salvador. That day a Mass of Thanksgiving was held by the completion basic education to start high school. Besides having finished the year very well.
  • Firs day in the Centro de Capacitacion Gloria de Kriete.

    Firs day in the Centro de Capacitacion Gloria de Kriete.
    Special day as the other days of the timeline because this is an opportunity not to I passed up, also because I met new friends, classmates and teachers how my second family.