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My biography

  • The day of my birth

    The day of my birth
    The day I was born one day very happy for my parents
  • Period: to

    My 17 years of life

  • My primary school

    My primary school
    I studied at the Mother of Good Counsel all my primary
  • My graduation from first

    My graduation from first
    I graduated in the Mother of Good Counsel School
  • I celebrated my eight years

    I celebrated my eight years
    Celebrano my eight years with my family
  • I went to school to study Puyana jose elias

    I went to school to study Puyana jose elias
    between this study school where all my secondary
  • Women's Day

    Women's Day
    I celebrated women's day at my school
  • I participated in the dance language of the day

    I participated in the dance language of the day
    I dance the day of language with some classmates
  • The day of my prom

    The day of my prom
    I celebrated the day of my prom
  • The day of my graduation

    The day of my graduation
    I celebrate the day of my degree
  • My university

    My university
    I started my university studies in Manuela Beltran