my biography

By erika06
  • I born

    I was born on this day
  • christening

    was a special day for a good time with my godparents
  • death of my uncle

    was a great loss because it was a member of the fmilia it was very important for me
  • born my brother

    my brother was born and was a very special day because on this day there was a new member in my family
  • first communion

    on this day I made my first communion and received God in my heart
  • move

    On this day I came to live in Barrancabermeja
  • my brother's death

    was a very painful time for me and my family because it was one of the most loved ones for me
  • born my brother

    this date was significant as it was recovered as part of what I had lost my brother to death
  • my fifteen years

    was a very important day and I could meet my loved ones to comportir one of the happiest days for me