Mueggenborg Unit 3 1450CE - 1750CE

  • Period: Jan 1, 1420 to Jun 26, 1541


    Henry the Navigator (Portugal): 1420 - 1460 Explored Africa
    Columbus (Spain): 1492 - November 7, 1504 "found" the New World. South America.
    Cortes : 1504 - 1538 Conquered the Aztec Empire
    Pizarro: Feb. 13 1502 - Jun 26, 1541 Conquered the Inca Empire
    Magellan: 1518 - 1525 Sailed the Atlantic to Pacific, but died before he could return home.
    Da Gama: 1497 - 1524 Sailed form Europe to India.
  • Period: Apr 18, 1492 to

    Creation of Colonies in the New World

    Colonies were still being made after this, but not so much in the New World.
    Spain, Britain, France, Dutchland, and Portugal heavily colonized the New World.
    Many countries would send over their own people to help start it off and modernize and make the colony more prestigious and trimmed looking.
  • Period: Apr 18, 1492 to

    Columbian Exchange

    Began with the beginning of slave trade ending with the ceasing of slave trade.
    Also is the Atlantic Triangle Trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Rounded trade between the three.
  • Period: Apr 18, 1500 to

    Scientific Revolution

    Revolution in sciences that led to rejection of previous doctorines and set the foundation for today's modern medicine.
    Newton helped was one of the scientists along with many other proving and disproving ancient beliefs. This led into the Enlightenment.
  • Period: Apr 18, 1501 to

    Safavid Empire

    Revived Persia, creating checks and balances in their bureaucracy, and an appreciation for architecture and fine arts.
    Spread Islam outward to Asia.
  • Period: Apr 18, 1504 to Apr 18, 1530


    Military adventurer from Central Asia rose to power in Kabul.
    First kingdom in 1504. Then invaded Lodi Afghan Empire in South Asia to lay foundation for the Mughal Empire.
  • Period: Apr 14, 1517 to Apr 14, 1555

    Protestant Reformation

    Challenging the church on certain beliefs.
    Led by people like Martin Luther and
  • Period: Apr 18, 1526 to

    Mughal Empire

    Decendents of Mongolsa and Turks.
    Classic period began with Akbar the Great and was marked by highly centralized government. Persian influence.
    Decline rapidly from wars of succession, local revolts, religious intolerence, and then British colonization of India.
  • Period: Apr 18, 1552 to

    Matteo Ricci

    Italian Jesuit who went to China to "learn." Slowly the Jesuits started to take hold of China and grow outward.
    Called "Servent of God."
  • Period: Apr 18, 1564 to


    Improved the telescope and in turn changed how space was looked at and made a millitary compass.
    Believed in heliocentric universe (sun at the middle of the universe).
    After this was ruled illegal he was tried and sentenced to house arrest for the rest of his life.
  • Period: Apr 18, 1580 to

    Triangle Trade

    Atlantic trade between Europe, North Africa, and the Americas.
    Africa would send slaves to the Americas, the Americas cash crops to Europe, and Europe clothes, copper, trinkets, ammunition, and weapons to Africa.
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Shogunate

    Feudal regime of Japan ruled by Shoguns of the Tokugawa family. Edo period (now the city of Tokyo).
    Meiji restoration took down the Tokugawa Shogunate or Edo period.
    Foreign trade opened up.
  • Period: to

    Thirty Years War

    A war between Germany and many European countries.
    Initially fought for religious reasons between the Catholic and the Protestants in the Holy Roman Empire. Then it grew into more rivalries.
    Cause lots of distruction, disease, and famine.
  • Period: to

    Qing Dynasty

    Last Dynasty of China. Founded by the Manchu clan.
    Many rebellions after the height of the Qing Dynasty due to weakened army but large growth of territory and population.
    Followed by the Peoples Republic of China.
  • Period: to


    A growth and discovery in values.
    Questioning core beliefs and practices, and creating new philosiphies.
    People debated beliefs, freedom, revolution and changed thought processes.
  • Period: to

    Peter the Great

    Made Russia look to the west and Europe.
    Created St. Petersburg (after his own name). Made all were European style and cut hair like the Europeans.
    Russian Empire.
    War between Russian and the Ottoman empire.
  • Period: to

    Catherine the Great

    Russian Empress. Russia expanded undre her authority. Continued to modernize Russia.
    Foreign policies.