History of Christianity

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    Pentecost is the Christian festival celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit on Jesus' disciples after his Ascension, held on the seventh Sunday after Easter. Pentecost is definitely a mover of the Christian church.
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    St Paul the Apostle

    St Paul the Apostle
    Paul the Apostle is commonly known as Saint Paul was an apostle who taught the gospel of Christ to the people of the 1st century. Saint Paul was a mover of Christianity because he spread the word about Jesus and his mission.
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    Nero was Roman Emperor from 54 to 68, and the last in the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Nero was adopted by his grand-uncle Claudius to become his heir and successor and succeeded to the throne in 54 following Claudius' death. Nero was a very cruel man and would have people covered in animal skins and torn apart by dogs. Nero was a shaker in the history of Christianity.
  • 312

    Emperor Constantine

    Emperor Constantine
    Constantine was the first Roman emperor to call himself a Christian. Constantine was preparing to fight against Maxentius, a man who wanted to be emperor. The day before battle it is told that Constantine offered a prayer in which he asked for help and assistance in his battle. Some believe that on the night before the battle he had an unusual dream. Constantine and Licinius signed the EDICT OF MILAN. This law made Christianity a legal and lawful region. Constantine was a mover of Christianity.
  • 500

    St Benedict

    St Benedict
    Benedict of Nursia commonly known as Saint Benedict is a Christian saint who idolized in the Eastern Orthodox Churches. Benedict foundered 12 communities of monks at Subiaco, Italy, before moving to Monte Cassino in the mountains of southern Italy. He also created The Order of Saint Benedict which was an enormous set of strict rules that Benedict Monks must follow. Benedict was a ​mover.
  • 590

    St Columbanus

    St Columbanus
    Columbanus, also known as St. Columban was an Irish missionary notable for founding a number of monasteries from around 590 in the Frankish and Lombard kingdoms. St Columbanus was a mover of Christianity.
  • Jan 1, 1095


    The crusades were wars against the Muslim people and religion. Many people were slaughtered before they even got to the place of war. Pope Urban ii started the crusades, they then continued for many years after Pope Urban ii was deceased. The crusades were both a mover and a shaker of the church because although most crusades were not successful and Christians did horrible things, it also made the church stronger. This is because after the first crusade many people converted to Christianity.
  • Jan 1, 1346

    Black Death Part 1

    Black Death Part 1
    The Black Death or Black Plague was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history, resulting in the death of an estimated 75-200 million people. The Black Death peaked in Europe in the years 1346-1353.
  • Jan 1, 1346

    Black Death Part 2

    Black Death Part 2
    The Black Death was a shaker of Christianity because many people lost faith in Christianity and God because people believed that this was God's fault. Many people also thought that this was God's way of punishing them for sins they have committed and they would whip and self-harm themselves this group was called the Flagellants​.
  • Aug 31, 1440

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    Johanne Gutenberg in the 1440's made the Printing Press. Knowledge became more easily accessible as it was stored in books. It revolutionized communication, knowledge spread quickly and accurately. They were cheap and inexpensive and allowed middle-class people to buy them.The books were printed in many different languages so that everyone could understand it. It changed people's whole understanding of God. It also allowed the reformation to take place. Printing Press was a Christian mover.
  • Jan 1, 1483


    Martin Luther believed and found out 95 reasons as to why buying your way into heaven using an indulgence was not what Jesus believed. Tricked people would go out and buy it so that they could live a free life in heaven. The money that was scammed by the people was used to build a very expensive church.This had a big impact on the Christian Church. The Reformation was a shaker as it had a negative impact on the church.
  • St Columba

    St Columba
    St Columba and his 12 disciples erected a church and a monastery on the island of Lona. Where he was revered as a saint. He and his associates and successors helped to spread the gospel more than any other group of religious pioneers in England. He started a missionary traditionally credited with the main role in the conversion of Scotland to Christianity. St Columba was a mover of the church as he helped spread the word of the Church and Jesus' mission.