Modern World History-ZM

  • 1517

    Martin Luther Write 95 Theses

    Martin Luther Write 95 Theses
    It was Martin Luther going against Tetzel gave people the impression that by buying indulgences, they could buy their way into heaven.
  • 1521

    Edict of Worms

    Edict of Worms
    The Edict of Worms forbade anyone to shelter Martin Luther or provide him with aid.
  • 1524

    Peasant’s War

    Peasant’s War
    Several German Peasant’s stormed the Castle and the monasteries.
  • 1527

    Italian Wars

    Italian Wars
    The impact of this war was exposing Europe's about the ideas of the Italian Renaissance.
  • 1531

    Swiss Civil War

    Swiss Civil War
    There was a war between the Swiss Protestants and Catholics.
  • 1533

    Anabaptists settle in Münster

    Anabaptists settle in Münster
    Catholics and Protestants persecuted them so they had to leave to go to settle in Münster.
  • 1534

    Act of Supremacy in England

    Act of Supremacy in England
    Is Henry being the top of the church having the pope overruled in England.
  • 1535

    Thomas More executed

    Thomas More executed
    More said, would not allow him to accept the terms of the act and he refused to take the oath, More was found guilty of high treason and executed.
  • 1536

    John Calvin’s (Institutes of the Christian Religion)

    John Calvin’s (Institutes of the Christian Religion)
    This is a book about god, salvation, and human nature.
  • 1542

    Start of Roman Inquisition

    Start of Roman Inquisition
    It started because they wanted to impose religious uniformity and converted Jews and Muslims.
  • 1545

    Council of Trent (use start date)

    Council of Trent (use start date)
    These were rules for the church to follow they were reformed over time. (1545 to 1563)
  • 1547

    • Reign of Elizabeth I

    • Reign of Elizabeth I
    Elizabeth’s church allowed moderate Catholic and protestant where accepted.
  • 1549

    Jesuit order founded (1534 to 1549)

    Jesuit order founded (1534 to 1549)
    Paul III a pope took four important steps and one of them was to give order to Jesuit
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    There the princes agreed that each ruler would decide the religion of his state which is Peace of Augsburg.
  • 1560

    Scotland becomes Calvinist

    Scotland becomes Calvinist
    Protestant nobles worked with Knox to have Scotland have an official religion.
  • 1572

    St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

    St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
    This spread to cities and killed thousands of people this lasted for mouths.
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    This give Protestants freedom.