Modern world history-PM

  • 1494

    Italian wars

    Italian wars
    Started when King Charles the 7th invaded Italy being a series of wars with France and Spain for control over Italy eventually England got involved as did several popes the wars ended with the sack of Rome by the Spaniard and holy roman emperor Charles the 5th who was a devout catholic.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther writes 95 theses

    Martin Luther writes 95 theses
    Martin Luther wrote 95 theses attacking pardon-merchants he did not agree with the idea of selling indulgences.
  • 1521

    Edict of worms

    Edict of worms
    It declare Luther an outlaw and a heretic because why he believed went agents the teachings of the church.
  • 1524

    Peasants war

    Peasants war
    Peasants became mad at high taxes and lack of power so they stormed the castles and monasteries that started this rebellion.
  • 1531

    Swiss civil war

    Swiss civil war
    Huldrych Zwingli openly attacked the Catholic Church he wanted the return of more personal faith of early christianity and wanted believers to have more control over the church Zwingli's reforms started to spread and it eventually led to a war between Swiss Protestants and catholics.
  • 1533

    Anabaptists settle in Münster

    Anabaptists settle in Münster
    Fled to Münster to get away from Catholics and possessions who were persecuting them in Münster they were among Jan Mathijs.
  • 1534

    Act of supremacy in England

    Act of supremacy in England
    an oath recognizing the divorce and accepting Henry, not the pope as the official head of Englands church.
  • 1534

    Council of Trent

    Council of Trent
    a council established by Paul111 that meet in Trent and agreed on several doctrines
  • 1535

    Thomas More executed

    Thomas More executed
    He was a devout catholic who said his faith did not allow him to accept the terms of the act of supremacy and refused to take the oath, he was arrested and was found guilty of high treason and was executed.
  • 1536

    John Calvin's institutes of the Christian religion

    John Calvin's institutes of the Christian religion
    A book expressing ideas about God, salvation, and human nature it was also a summary of Protestant theory, or religious beliefs, he wrote that men and women are sinful by nature and that their is no way for a human to earn salvation and that God had already chosen people to save called the elect.
  • 1540

    Jesuit order founded

    Jesuit order founded
    The pope created a religious order for Ignatius followers called the society of Jesus and the members were called Jesuits.
  • 1542

    Start of Roman inquisition

    Start of Roman inquisition
    Impose religious uniformity especially on converted jews and muslims.
  • 1555

    Peace of Augsburg

    Peace of Augsburg
    Charles ordered that all German rulers would decide the religion of his state.
  • 1558

    Reign of Elizabeth 1

    Reign of Elizabeth 1
    The Anglican Church set up by the wishes of Elizabeth 1 was a church the was the head of and the church was established that moderate and protestants might both accept.
  • 1560

    Scotland becomes Calvinist

    Scotland becomes Calvinist
    John Knox brought the ideas of Calvin to Scotland and started to spread the ideas to all of Scotland and eventually Calvinism became the Scotland's official religion.
  • 1572

    St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre

    St. Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
    At dawn after the catholic feast of St. Bartholomew’s Day catholic mobs began to hunt for protestants and murdering them the massacre spread to other cities and lasted 6 months.
  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    Granted religious freedom to protestants.