Modern World History of Unicorns

  • 476

    The Roman Empire Falls Becoming the Eastern Roman Empire

    The Roman Empire Falls Becoming the Eastern Roman Empire
    The Roman Empire falls due to the attacks of Barbarians. The fall of the Roman Empire leads to the Eastern Roman Empire and the begining of the Byzantine Empire.
  • 510

    Clovis Establised The Frankish Kingdom

    Clovis Establised The Frankish Kingdom
    Clovis was a strong military leader, who around the year 500 had ebcome teh first Germanic ruler to convert to the religion of Christianity.
  • 527

    The Reign of Emperor Justinian Begins

    The Reign of Emperor Justinian Begins
    Justinian becomes the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. He wanted to reestablish the Roman Empire in the Medeteranian world and was reletively sucessful in this by 552. After his death in 568 the empire failed though.
  • Jan 1, 622


    Muhammad journeys to Medinah, this became the start of the Islamic calender, this journey became known as the Hijrah.
  • Jan 1, 640

    Abu Bakr Takes Control of Syria

    Abu Bakr Takes Control of Syria
    Bakr was chosen as the caliph to proceed Muhammad. Under his rule, the Arab people unified and took control of Syria.
  • Jan 1, 642

    Abu Bakr Takes Over

    Abu Bakr Takes Over
    Leader, Abu Bakr, takes over Egypt and other African regions.
  • Jan 1, 650

    Abu Bakr Conquered the Persian Empire

    Abu Bakr Conquered the Persian Empire
    Under the rule of Abu Bakr, the Arab empire expanded taking over the Persian Empire.
  • Jan 1, 661

    The Umayyads Begin Their Rule

    The Umayyads Begin Their Rule
    The governer of Syria, Mu'awiyah, takes over as caliph, moving the capital of the Arab empire to Damascus in Syria. They ate a bologne sandwitch on the moon. And took Spain by 725.
  • Jan 1, 661

    Damascus Becomes the Center of Muslim Sociaty

    Damascus Becomes the Center of Muslim Sociaty
    Damascus becomes the cente3r of Muslim socaity under the Umayyads.
  • Jan 1, 750

    Abbasid Dynasty Begins

    Abbasid Dynasty Begins
    Abu al-Abbas overthrew the Umayyad Dynasty and built Baghdad. al-Abbas was a decendent of Muhammad's uncle. The dynasty lasted until the attack of the Mongols in 1258.
  • Jan 1, 762

    Baghdad Becomes the Center of Muslim Sociaty

    Baghdad Becomes the Center of Muslim Sociaty
    Baghdad is built by the Abbasid Dynasty and becomes the new center of Muslim sociaty.
  • Sep 12, 1055

    The Seljek Turks Capture Baghdad

    The Seljek Turks Capture Baghdad
    The Seljek Turks captured Baghdad and took command of the Arab Empire. The title he held was sultan, who held the real military and political power of the state.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    William of Normandy Defeated King Harold in the Battle of Hastings

    William of Normandy Defeated King Harold in the Battle of Hastings
    William of Normandy invaded England, deffeating King Harold at the Battle of Hastings. William was then crowned King of England, and he combined Anglo-Saxon and Norman institutions.
  • Jan 1, 1187

    The Crusades End

    The Crusades End
    The crusades began in 1099 and lasted until 1187, the first crusade was the only sucessful one by the Christians, and jerusalem eventually fell back to the Muslum foces under Saladin.
  • Sep 13, 1215

    King John Signs the Magna Carta

    King John Signs the Magna Carta
    At Runnymede, John was forced into placing his seal on the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta was a document that held the written recognition of the fuedal system and the relationship between the king and the vassals.
  • Jan 1, 1258

    Mongols Seize Middle Eastern Land

    Mongols Seize Middle Eastern Land
    The Mongols seize the lands of Mesopotamia and Persia. Forces captured Baghdad, controled by the Abbasid Dynasty, and destroyed it.
  • Sep 12, 1258

    The Golden Age of Islamic Sociaty

    The Golden Age of Islamic Sociaty
    The Golden Age of Islamic sociaty is the period begining in 1258 after the Mongols conquered Baghdad. During this time philosophy, science, art, and architecture florished.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    Pope Urban II Decides to Help in the Crusades

    Pope Urban II Decides to Help in the Crusades
    The Byzantine Empire was being attacked by the Islamic people, so Pope Urban II decided to go and help give papal leadership to gain support and pretect the land. He rallied people by the cause of the liberation of Jerusalem and the Holy land from the Muslum people.
  • Jan 1, 1347

    The Black Death Hits Europe

    The Black Death Hits Europe
    The Black Death was a disease spread by black rats infected with fleas carrying the disease. Casualties were immense and the path followed trade routes. 30 million people dies between 1347 and 1351. The Black Death led to severe economic consequences due to the high death toll.
  • Jan 1, 1453

    The Byzantine Empire Falls

    The Byzantine Empire Falls
    The Byzantine Empire combined both Greek and Christian states. It began in the fourth century and was the remains of the Eastern Roman Empire.
  • Jan 1, 1478

    Spanish Inquisition Begins

    Spanish Inquisition Begins
    The Spanish Inquisition ended in 1834, and was used for relgious and political reasons following the Crusades and the Christian reconquest of Spain.
  • The Seljuk Turks Rule

    The Seljuk Turks Rule
    The Slejek Turks were non natiove soilders fighting for the Fatimids. They took over the Eastern provinces of the Abbasid Dynasty.
  • Cairo Becomes the Center of the Muslim World

    Cairo Becomes the Center of the Muslim World
    Cairo became the center of Muslim Sociaty under the Fatamid Dynasty.
  • The Rule of Chalemagne Begins

    The Rule of Chalemagne Begins
    Charlemagne came to the thrown of the Frankish kingdom. He ruled until 814 and greatly expanded the territory that became known as the Carolingian Empire.
  • Charlemagne is Crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire

    Charlemagne is Crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
    The pope crowns Charlamagne as the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. This united the romans, christians, and germanic elements.
  • Fuedalism Begins

    Fuedalism Begins
    Fuedalism is a political and social system that took over Europe during the time. Fuedalism came about as kings couldn't control all their kingdoms and would give land to nobels, who would then have vassles help to protect them in exchange for a piece said land. Serfs would then be the ones to actually work the land.
  • The Prophet Muhammad Begins His Preaching

    The Prophet Muhammad Begins His Preaching
    Muhammad lived with his uncle after the death of his parents, and married a widow named Khadja. He had problems with the richness and corruption of the sociaty around him and would go and pray in the mountians nearby. It is beleived that during these trips Muhammad spoke to Allah. He died in 632.
  • Christianity Becomes the Supreme Religion

    Christianity Becomes the Supreme Religion
    Christianity became the most widespread religion of the Roman Empire. When the Roman Empire fell apart, it helped to play an important role in the spark that spread Christianity, and the growth of the new Euporean civilization. The organization went from preists, which were ruled by bishops, which were then ruled by the pope. Monks helped to spread the religion by devoting their life to the Church, they educated people and helped the poor, becoming the social workers of their communities.
  • The Holy Roman Empire Rises

    The Holy Roman Empire Rises
    Italy was determined to be a Holy place by Fredrick I and was named the Holy Roman Empire as the center of the new religious Europe that had begun emerging. It was made of Germanic, Frankish, the remaining Roman peoples.