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Migration till Conquest

  • Period: Jan 1, 622 to Dec 31, 630

    Migration to Prophet's death time span

    The time span of the Prophet's (pbuh) migration to the expedition of Khaibar is 8 years, the year 622 till the year 630.
  • Jan 30, 622


    The dates aren't exact, only the years are precise.Furthermore, i this timetoast presentation I will be talking about and listing every important event that has happened in Mohammad (pbuh)'s life from his migration to Medinah to Khaibar expedition and a few events a head, that are also important to mention. I hope you enjoy my presentation, and learn about the prophet's life in a better way.
  • Jul 11, 622

    Migration to Medinah

    Migration to Medinah
    The Prophet Migrated from Mekkah to Medinah, when he was attempted to get assasinated, and that day he migrated to Medinah, in June 622. This date, the prophet took the decison to migrate to Medinah from Mekkah, and that benefited him, as I will show in the other events.
  • Jul 28, 622

    Bulding of the Masjid in Medina

    Bulding of the Masjid in Medina
    On the year 622, after the prophet migrated to Medinah from Mekkah, the first thing he did was build Masjid An Nabawi, which is known as the prophet's mosque, it was the second mosque bullt in the history of islam, and this mosque is the second holiest place in Islam, after the Kabah. Therefore, this event was extremely important. He bought the place of bulding it and then built it, he was one of the people making the Masjid, and next to the Masjid he made a room next to the Masjid to live.
  • Aug 28, 622

    Agreements with Jew Tribes

    Agreements with Jew Tribes
    After he migrated, bullt the mosque, he had agreement with the Jew Tribes, Banu Qureidah, Banu Qainukah and also Banu Nazeer, this was an important part of the politics of muslims at that time, and this even was extremely important. He did this to solve economic problems, he made all the Muslims from Mekkah and Medina bond temporarily to solve the problems. This helped the Muslims greatly.
  • Jan 30, 623

    Battle of Badr

    Battle of Badr
    Then was the Battle of Badr, in the second year of Hirjah, the year 623 in the Calandar we use. There were 1000 Kafirs fighting against the Muslims, and they were only around 314, it was an un fair war, the kafir had the weapons, however still muslims managed to win with the power of Allah, 70 Kafirs were killed and 70 were arrested. Around 9-12 Muslims were killed in this battle.
  • Jan 30, 623

    Banu kainukah kicking out

    Banu kainukah kicking out
    Then, Banu Kainukah, a Jew's tribe were kicked out of Medinah, they said horrible things against Muslims, they disrespected Muslims and they were convincing Mekkan Kafirs to fight against the Muslims while provindg their help. A Muslim woman was teased by them as well, she called Muslims for help and she told them their wrong intentions. Prophet (pbuh) acted upon that and kicked them out of Medinah for the good sake of Muslims.
  • Jan 30, 623

    Battle of Uhud

    Battle of Uhud
    After that, was the Battle of Uhud, in this battle there were 3000 Kafirs. At the beginning, when Muslims took off from Medinah, then Abdullah took 300 away back to Medinah, therefore leaving only 700 men. Behind Uhud, there was a small thing way and the Prophet acting clever, ordered 50 good marksmen to stay there and hold the Kafirs back. When Uhud started, Muslims won, Kafirs ran, Muslims tried to catch them, o42 out of 50 came back, then the Muslims were attacked by the Kafirs and they won.
  • Jan 30, 624

    Banu Nazeer kicking out

    Banu Nazeer kicking out
    Banu Nazeer planned on killing the Prophet (pbuh), howeber he was guided by the angel Jibrael and the Prophet left with safety, and then after knowing their cruel intentions, he kicked the tribe Banu Nazeer out of Medinah.
  • Jan 30, 625

    Battle of Small Badr

    Battle of Small Badr
    After everything, happening the Happening of Small Badr, which was supposed to be a battle between the Muslims and the Kafir, however the Kafir never came to the battle, therefore the Muslims left after waiting a while and in the end there was no war as the kafir never reached Badr.This shows how the Muslims never backed down, however the Kafirs did.
  • Jan 30, 626

    Battle of the Trench

    Battle of the Trench
    This was one of the biggest battles, there ere 10000 Kafir who attacked 3000 Muslims, it was un fair. In this battle, the Muslims had very smart stratagies led by the Prophet (pbuh), they decided to build a trench to block Qureish from coming in, that way they could stand a change. They did that, and that led to Qureish not passing the trench. Due to clashes between tribes, one of the tribes betrayed the Muslims and payed the price and at the end Alalh sent a storm, which made the Muslims win.
  • Jan 30, 626

    Banu Quraidah taking over

    Banu Quraidah taking over
    Jews attacked the Muslims, therefore the prophet covered them and took over them all around, they wanted a judge to decide fairly what was going to happen, the Prophet made Saad Bin Muwas the judge and the judge decided that all men that are able to fight should be slaughtered/executed, and the women.children should be slaves.
  • Jan 30, 627

    Hudaibiyah Treaty

    Hudaibiyah Treaty
    In the Hudaibiyah treaty, which was in the fifth year of Hijrah, there were 1400-1500 Muslims who went to do umrah, the kafirs didn't let them enter Mekkah to do Umrah which was their plan, therefore it ended up as an agreement, that Muslims should return next year and do Umrah, and there will be no wars till 10 years and the Prophet agreed with the treaty.
  • Mar 30, 627

    Letters to the Kings

    Letters to the Kings
    Prophet wrote tetters to many strong empire's kings to invite them to islam, including Rome, Iran, Egypt and many other empires. Ethiopia;s king accepted the letter and accepted Islam, the Egyptian king didn't accept, however he sent gifts to the prophet, the Persian king thew the letter away, the Roman king knew Islam was right, however to not lose his power he didn't accept the Prophet;s invitation.
  • Jan 30, 630

    Arab stronger Societies

    Arab stronger Societies
    Arab Societies became Muslims, the strongest ones became Muslims and this made the Muslims empire stronger, the faith and religion Islam was widely spread now due to the Prophet's intelligence, patience and strategies, and now we see more than A billion muslims in our world, and this is all because of the Prophet (pbuh), without him we are nothing, we should always follow his way of life, and please Allah as much as we can.
  • Jan 30, 630

    Hajj of Abu Bakr and Prophet Mohammad Pbuh

    Hajj of Abu Bakr and Prophet Mohammad Pbuh
    Hajj was made necessary and Fardh and Abu Bakr was sent as a leader to do it with many Muslims. He trusted Abu Bakr the most, who was the Prophet's best friend, he told him ot lead the Muslims to do Hajj, and it was successful. After that the Prophet went to do Hajj, and he had more then 100000 Muslims with him, and theyy all did Hajj together, now we see millions doing Hajj every year. In the year 12 of Hijrah, the Prophet died, after spreading Islam wonderfully.
  • Umrah after agreement

    Umrah after agreement
    After the year of the treaty Muslims went to do Umrah and it was paceful and it was successful, it was lead by the Prophet, this was done according to the treaty. The Umrah was a great trip for the muslims, it was defientely worth the wait, and Muslims got what they wanted the most, as I will mention in the furthure timeline events.
  • Khaibiar Expedition

    Khaibiar Expedition
    Khaibar, the last part of the Jews, there were many castles of kafirs where all the Kafirs lived, one by one the Prophet took over all the castles, and after a while the Muslims took all over Khaibar as well. This wasn't a hard task for the Prophet to lead, it went smooth and it was accomplished comprehensively with ease.
  • Invasion of Arabia

    Invasion of Arabia
    First, it was the Mekkan war, it was invaded by the Muslims, after that was the Hunain war, which was also won by the Muslims, and then was the Taif war, which was also won by the Muslims, and all of this was taken control by the Muslims, with the genius leadership of the Prophet. After these invasions, steaidly, all the Arabic was taken over by the Muslims, this was teh invasion of Arabic by Muslims.