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Middle Ages

  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    Fall of Rome
    The fall of Rome marks the beggining of the Middle Ages. In 476 AD emperor, Romulus Augustulus, is deposed by the barbarian general Odoacer. This event marks the end of one period, and the beggining of another.
  • 500

    Poverty and Unsaftey

    Poverty and Unsaftey
    During this time thre was no education. Barely anyone was educated, they were lucky to even get food. Their cities became empty and became smaller. Most regulated on starvation.
  • Dec 10, 622


    The beggining of Islam began. Islam is the second largest religion in the world.Islam means the submission to the will of God. It is monotheistic and is a Abrahamic religion regulated by the Quran book.
  • Feb 10, 673


    In this time period, the Greek Fire was invented. It was a sort of flame thrower. Stirrups for horses were also invented so people would not fall of their horses. These inventions helped people in the Middle Ages to function through everyday a little easier.
  • Dec 10, 702

    Viking Invasions

    Viking Invasions
    During this time, there wer multiple viking invasions.Also, around this time irish Monks discovered iceland. Multiple churches were always an easy target for the Vikings.
  • Dec 10, 1002

    The First Universities

    The First Universities
    The first universities that were formed where in Europe. They were in Bologna, Paris, and Oxford. Many went to these schools to learn about science and its logic.
  • Dec 10, 1010

    More Inventions!

    More Inventions!
    Items that were invented were windmills which helped with farming, spectacles which helped with reading, compass for direction, and a spinnign wheel for clothing. These inventions were a major step in the era. They finally made a large progress.
  • Nov 2, 1086

    Medical Inventions

    Medical Inventions
    Also, Avicenna wrote the canon of medicine. Al-Haytham was then the founder of optometry. Optometry was a large invention due to most needing help being sble to see better.
  • Aug 14, 1096

    Christians Attack

    Christians Attack
    The Christians were attacking. The Christains then fought the muslim in crusades. The Christians also wanted to re-conquer Jerusalem. The tried using crossbows, but the Pope forbid them.
  • Jul 20, 1139

    More Inventions!

    More Inventions!
    Averroes translated works of Aristotle and annotated them. Dominicans then translated them into Latin. They solved science through logic and experiment. The first universities were in Europe.
  • Apr 16, 1143

    Silk Roads

    Silk Roads
    They had Silk Roads and traded goods with the East. They traded all the way to India. For example, they traded herbs and spices. Marco Polo traveled throughout all of Asia from Beijing to Singapore.
  • Sep 12, 1347

    Black Death

    Black Death
    A plague reached Europe, being known by being transfered from ships. The Black Death was large black boils,oozing, and you have a fever and the chills. This spreaded very quickly and killed 1/3 of the population.
  • Feb 27, 1350


    At about this time the plague started to happen. People wondered why God didn't save them. The disease undermines the power of the church. This disease came from China and spread quickly.
  • Oct 25, 1436

    Printing Press

    Printing Press
    Another new invention was made, the printing press. This made it eaiser to pass on knowledge to everyone. The priniting press was also a much quicker way to also transfer information to others.
  • May 26, 1492

    Columbus Discovers America

    Columbus Discovers America
    In this era, Columbus discovered America.With him the new era began which was the rebirth of Classical Arts. This was also known as The Renaissance.
  • Jan 9, 1500

    The Renaissance Begins

    The Renaissance Begins
    The Renaissance period begins in Europe in the early 1500's. It marks the end of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance was a term coined by Petrarch which means a rebirth of classical Greek and Roman ideals.
  • Early Middle Ages

    Early Middle Ages
    The early Middle Ages followed the decline of the Western Roman Empire. This was concluded to be known as the Dark Ages. This was a cultural and economic collapse in the Middle Ages. During this time there was plaque,war, and poverty.
  • Education!

    Education was now available for all, even for few woman. Charlemagne promotes science and education schools are founded in monasteries. Bible lessons were available, geometry, arithmetic, astronmy, and music too.
  • Universities

    In the east they are making schools. They studied the Ancient Greeks. They conducted science based on logic and experiment. They also arranged chemical elements by Jabir IBN Hayyan. Al-Khwarizmi popularized the use on Indian Numerals. Al-Razi discovered the difference between small pox and measles.
  • Kingdom

    The kingdom was divided into three. Raids in Western Europe increased. In order to pretect themselves, they created kingships.