Mi vida

  • my first day home

    i was in mexico when i was born and my sister told that my mom told her that here is your sister. she also told me that i was adopted but am really not.
  • my last brother

    this was when my second bother was born. now my brother is a mean little boy but a still love him.
  • coming to america

    i was 5 when i coming to america with my family just my mom, dad, sister, brother, me, amd my brother as a baby.
  • first day in kindergarden

    the first day in kindergarden my dad leave me that school near the classroom. i started to cry because i didnt wanted to stay there.
  • my sister born

    my sister was born in london, ky. i was happy to have a another sister to play with.
  • la esperanza

    this is the most famous mexican restuarent in middlesboro. the best thing about thos that my dad owns it.
  • shyness

    started off in kindergarden through fourth grade i wounld not speck at all. i was afraid of my classmates laughing at me so what i did is go up to the teachers ear and whisper into their ear. alos they didnt call me yuri they called me judy.
  • my first christmas

    my first chistmas here in middlesboro we were celebrating my brother saw a piece of chocolate but it wasnt chocolate its was poop. he went up to get it he smell it and then throw it away it was the most funny thing that saw.
  • 9-11-01

    i was 7years old when this happen and we didnt know what was happening at the time because my family and i were having fun celebrating my birthday.
  • fireworks

    this was the time when my dad lite up a match and throw it in a box of fireworks. the firewoks went all crazy but it was so beauitful. it was the best 4th of july.
  • 3rd grade

    it was the first day of staying after school so teachers can help us. when they told me to stay i was shaking my head no that i didnt wanted to stay. so i started to cry and the let me go home but the next day i had to stay and it was fun.
  • perfect attentance

    this was the first year that i had perfect attentance my whole school years that i been in america.
  • the last baby born

    this was the last baby born her was born here in middlesboro because we had moved like around six times and we land here.
  • fishing trip

    in 6th grade we went fish to mrs brighman lake. it was alot of fun see people scared of worm. :)
  • myrtel beach

    instand of popping fireworks we went to myrtel beach with my older sister. it was alot of fun and when i when swimming i saw a baby shark swimming next to me and i was so scard of it.
  • my sister webbing

    my sister webbing was the most beautiful of all the webbing i have seen. she was so beautiful but i hated her leaveing us.
  • my mom birthday

    of all the birthday's that my mom has this was the most funnest of all. it was a happy time for us and for my mom.
  • new second home

    this was my second new home in middlesboro. it's close to a bpa and close to wal-mart. i like this new home best one ever.
  • the first wrost day

    this was the wrost of all my life because my grandmother passed away. but i didnt know this until my aunt started to cry and she looked at a picture of my grandmother. so my mom and dad had to go their and see her and that was the saddest day for my dad.
  • the second wrost day

    we were going to mexico to vist my family that is over their. my aunt called my dad to tell him the news that my uncle got shot at a party. so my dad told was to get in the car and he was in a hurry to get there so we finally got there. my whole family was there crying but i didnt hnow that what was going on.
  • freshmen year

    this was the most werid years seeing everybody with a tan. but i was glad seeing all my friends again.
  • last day ever in mexico

    its was the saddest moment because we could never go back to mexico. because of the people who are now killing half of the population in mexico. we are scared to go back there i feel for the people who are there and for the rest of my family that is their.
  • my party

    i had my 15 party because we conldnt do it on my birthday because of school. so we had to do it on this date it was alots of fun. but the thing that i was afriad of was dancing in front of my whole family. but i got over it and i did good on it.
  • my 16 bithday

    this was a special day because i was turning 15 and every 15 years in mexico when a girl turns 15 they become a women. they also had a big party to celebrate.
  • my nephew first birthday

    its was fun because he was wearing a tuxt and he looked so cute in it. i had fun to see his little facedin the cake.