mi historia

By cote
  • my birth

    I was born in Santiago at 5:30 am
  • my first birthday

    was with family and friends
  • My first meal

    My mom gave me
  • my first day of yard

    was exciting the first day
  • my first bike

    was the first Christmas as a family
  • family walk

    whole family went to the park
  • birth of my first niece

    was very good because it's like my sister
  • my baptism

    I was baptized with my niece
  • moving house

    was very exciting and new
  • changing schools

    knowledge new people
  • Family Christmas

    whole family were together and had a great
  • changing schools again

    was rare that anyone did not know
  • my first gift in school

    I won a chocolate in front of the whole school to do her best poem
  • my graduation

    I graduated from eighth was very exciting and cute
  • my first day of classes in the average

    was weird because I did not know anyone and is very different from the basic in every sense