
By arf247
  • birth

    I was born on August 1 2000 in California sanfransisco
  • My house

    My house
    I lived in California with my parents for 2 years:)
  • A new baby in the house!

    A new baby in the house!
    We moved to Canada and thats where my brother was born:)
  • Pakistan

    I went to Pakistan with my family to visit my family and friends.
  • First day of school:)

    First day of school:)
    It was my first day of school. I was crying when my parents left:(
  • Hospital here my brother comes!

    Hospital here my brother comes!
    I smacked the car door on my brothers head. He had to get stiches
  • will you marry me?

    will you marry me?
    My cousin was getting married so i had to go to Windsor for her wedding.
  • Another brother!?

    Another brother!?
    My brother was born in Canada on Nov 22
  • A new house

    A new house
    I moved and I had to switch schools!
  • NYC here I come

    NYC here I come
    I went on my first 12 hr car trip to New York