Media Coursework Time Management

By S130566
  • Period: to

    Media Time Management

  • Magazine Research Deadline

    Today all my research in to existing magazines should be completed so i can add my knowledge of these to the planning process
  • Time Management Timetable Made

    Today i made my time management table. I will try hard to stick to the deadlines made so as to not get overloaded with work.
  • Target Audience Research Deadline

    All of my research in to my target audience should be done by this date. Researching taget audience is a big part of research and planning because you will haveto bare your audience in mind when planning and designing the magazine
  • Models and Castings Deadline

    My meetings with my chosen models should be arranged by this date and headshots should be taken
  • Organisation of Locations Deadline

    The location where the photo shoot is going to take place should be decided by this day. Also it would help if photographs were taken of the location beforehand.
  • Costume and Props Deadline

  • Rough Works and Flatplans Deadline

    Rough work/sketches and flatplans should be completed by this deadline so i can start work on the final product after christmas.