McDaniel-3-Sheldon-Anceint Rome

  • 100

    Romulus founds Rome 753

    Romulus and Remes mythicly forms Rome in 753 B.C. As story says, a female wolf finds raises Romulus and Remes as little children and they found Rome.
  • Period: 100 to 300

    Rome is ruled by Kings 753-509

    Rome is a Monarchy ruled by powerful kings.
    Strong Kings help lift Rome off the ground.
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    The Monachy is Overthrown 509

    After centuries of Absolute Monarchy Roman citizens feel in is time for a change. In 509 the Absolute Monarchy in overthrown by a Republic.
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    The Table Tablet is Created 451

    This is the first law tablet written.
    After this event the Roman Republic is given more stabilty and the citizens have more guidence.
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    Rome conquers Greece 197 bc

    The war board of Rome wary of the War with the Carthagians are very cautious of going to war with Greece. They are tempeted by riches though and invade.
  • 500

    The steady Decline of Rome Begins 180 AD

    After a fight for power Rome splits in two. West Rome breaks apart quickly. Germanic tribes destroy all West Rome's cities leaving it in shambles. East Rome stays together until the 1500's.
  • Romans coquer Spain 219

    Rome invaded spain in a large assult on the Carthagians. They liberate serval tribes in spain and form to more providences.
  • Rome invades Britan 47 Bc

    Rome conquests through the south end of Britan forming several providences in South Britan