Matthew Jenkins Timeline

  • Born

    Matthew Jenkins was born November 6th 2000 to the parents of Diane and Lloyd Jenkins.
  • Christening Day

    Christening Day
    I was baptized on June 24th.
  • Terrorest Attack

    Terrorest Attack
    A terrosest attack came about on this day related to religion disputes with Egypt and the U.S.
  • 1st Birthday

    1st Birthday
    My first birthday was on November 6th 2001. I ate cake for the first time. It was a great experience for my parents, even though I don't remember.
  • First Haircut

    First Haircut
    I got my first haircut. What a great experience! I cried and surely wasn't a happy camper that night.
  • First Trip

    First Trip
    I went on my first trip to Orlando, Florida on Saturday June 14th, 2003. We went to Disney World and had a great time visiting the different Disney characters. Out of all of the characters, Captain Hook scared me the most making me run away and stand behind my brother.
  • Pre-school

    I started Pre-school at St. Kevins.
  • First Tooth Lost

    First Tooth Lost
    I lost my first tooth recieving a little tooth bank, my very own. it was my right bottom middle tooth.
  • Disney Cruise

    Disney Cruise
    We went on the Disney Cruise celebrating my grandparents 50th weeding anniversary. My brother got sea sick and threw up. Later I did the same.
  • My Grandpop Died

    My Grandpop Died
    He was shy of one week of making it to my sixth birthday. The last time I saw him in the hospital, he quoted,"If I don't make it to your sixth birthday, I wish you a wonderful sixth birthday". It will be a quote I will remember for the rest of my life.
  • I went to Sabold

    I went to Sabold
    I transfered over from Saint Francis of Assisi to Sabold Elementary. It was a great experience and I am glad I changed schools.
  • My first Track Ribbon

    My first Track Ribbon
    I won my first track ribbon at Penncrest High School in the 100meter run. My family had a party afterward and we all had a fabulous time.
  • Learning the Clarinet

    Learning the Clarinet
    I began to learn the clarinet with my older brother and went to a private teacher every Friday to practice. I was ten and a half in fifth grade.
  • Science Fair

    Science Fair
    I won 1st place in the 5th grade science fair. I was experimentinting on the color spectrum and testing the heat that colors gave off when exposed to light.