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Louis XIV

  • Nearly Drowns

    Nearly Drowns
    King Louis nearly drowned in a pond while being unsupervised. This caused his subjects to think of him more as a child than a ruler.
  • Louis's Father Dies

    Louis's Father Dies
    Louis's dad, Louis Xlll, Died when he was only 4. Leaving Louis the ruler of over 19 million subjects at a very young age.
  • Nobles Threaten Louis

    Nobles Threaten Louis
    When Louis was only 9 years old, the Paris Parliament and nobles rose against him and threatened to take his crown. This made Louis never forgive the nobles or common people
  • Love VS Duty

    Love VS Duty
    Louis develops a crush on Marie Mancini but knows he cant marry her because he needs to keep peace with spain
  • Louis Marries Marie Therese of Spain

    Louis Marries Marie Therese of Spain
    Louis's first wife was Marie Therese of Spain (daughter of Philip IV of Spain). He married her instead of Marie Mancini for his country and not his feelings
  • Cardinal Mazarin dies

    Cardinal Mazarin dies
    Once Cardinal Mazarin had passed Louis then began his personal reign.
  • Louis Mother Dies

    Louis Mother Dies
    Louis's mother, Anne Of Austria died of breast cancer
  • Palace of Versailles Built

    Palace of Versailles Built
    This is basically the symbol of absolute Monarchy. King Louis XIV lived here with all his politicians and close people.
  • Louis's Brother Dies

    Louis's Brother Dies
    Louis's brother, Philippe I, died due to a stroke leaving Louis devistated
  • Louis's Son dies

    Louis's Son dies
    Louis, Grande Dauphin dies at age 49 before Louis XIV