LMS7-Lily Finkey- Timeline

  • My birth

    My birth
    I was born on Mars. My parents were very surprised since they were aliens and I wasn't.
  • My childhood

    My childhood
    When I was three my parents and I went to Earth to go undercover to inspect the human race.
  • St, Patrick's Day

    St, Patrick's Day
    We have a tradition where when St. Patties Day comes my parents will turn someone green that is not wearing green. (Way more affective if you ask me.)
  • My 4th birthday

    My 4th birthday
    While investigating the humans, my mom said I could upgrade to invisibility.
  • New Years Eve!

    New Years Eve!
    For New Years we ate people food for the first time! It was really good but my favorite was Ribs!
  • Dad's Birthday!

    Dad's Birthday!
    For my dad's birthday we went to go to a Football game. His favorite team are the Pittsburgh Steelers.
  • Back To Mars!!!!

    Back To Mars!!!!
    Today we are going back to Mars to visit family and we have enough information to que demonic voice DESTROY THE HUMAN RACE