Lifetime Personal Health

By SWallow
  • My 20's

    My 20's
    My healthy eating goal is to limit processed foods as they are high in unhealthy fats. For physical activity, my focus is to exercise for at least 30 minutes daily to maintain a healthy body weight. To practice preventive healthcare, I will wear sunscreen to reduce my risk of skin cancer.
  • My 30's

    My 30's
    My healthy eating goal is to reduce the amount of sodium in my diet. For physical activity, my goal is to take part in strength training a few times per week to reduce my risk of osteoporosis. To prevent health problems, I will avoid tobacco and alcoholic products.
  • My 40's

    My 40's
    My healthy eating goal is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. For physical activity, I will exercise for 30 minutes daily to help me manage stress. To prevent healthcare problems, I will get the recommended amount of sleep, 7-9 hours per night.
  • My 50's

    My 50's
    My healthy eating goal is to eat plenty of whole grains and lean proteins each day. For physical activity, I will take part in daily aerobic activity to reduce my risk for osteoporosis. To prevent health challenges, I will use a stress management program to reduce both my stress and my risk of getting a heart attack.
  • My 60's

    My 60's
    My healthy eating goal is to eat 3 servings of fiber-rich whole grains every day. For physical activity, I will get 30 minutes of exercise daily in a program I have cleared with my health care provider. To help prevent health problems, I will see my health care provider regularly for various check-ups and screenings.