By royslo1
  • Live in teletubby land

    Live in teletubby land
    I wanted to live here because it seemed like a place where all the fun was, and all of the teletubbies were there. They also went on awsome adventures.
  • Make one billion dollars a year

    Make one billion dollars a year
    I wanted to make a lot of money when I was youger because I always wanted new things. So with money I thought I could buy one of everything.
  • Play baseball professionally

    Play baseball professionally
    I wanted to play baseball because it was a lot of fun, and that was also the main sport I played when I was growing up. I also knew that the baseball players made money so I could also buy a lot of new things.
  • Live in Disney Land

    Live in Disney Land
    I wanted to live in Disney Land because that was the place where all of my favorite television, and movie characters came from. They also had the bid castle that I loved when I was a kid.
  • Graduate from Niles West

    Graduate from Niles West
    I wanted to graduate Niles West becuase then it would lead further on into my life. It also ment less school for me to finish.
  • Get my license

    Get my license
    I want to get my license because I will then have freedom, and also will have a new responsibility in my life. Also I will not have to rely on my parents to give me rides everywhere.
  • Make a varisty sport

    Make a varisty sport
    I want to make a varsity sport becuase that would mean that I am one in the best at what I do. It would also mean that I could teach younger baseball players my skill set, and also my thoughts about thier playing style.
  • Make it into a good college

    Make it into a good college
    I want to go to a good college because then I will be elligable for a good job that I enjoy to do. I also want to go to college to meet new people, and see different places.
  • Get a well part-time job in college

    Get a well part-time job in college
    I want a part-time job in college because I will have some money to spend. I will also be able to help pay my college tuition.
  • Graduarte from college

    Graduarte from college
    I want to graduate college because it will set up a career I want to do for a living. It will also earn me more money in my future.
  • Drive a luxury car

    Drive a luxury car
    I want to drive a nice car because it shows that I have money, and power. I will also be able to go fast, and get places.
  • Find the career I love to do

    Find the career I love to do
    I want to find the job I love to do because I will be making money, and I will also be doing something I love, and I will make money.
  • Find my wife

    Find my wife
    I want to find my wife because then I coudl have kids, and kids are fun to have.
  • Have kids

    Have kids
    I want to have kids because I can watch them grow up, and watch them mature. Kids are also fun to have, and look after.
  • Take at least on trip a year with my family

    Take at least on trip a year with my family
    I want to go on one trip a year because then my kids, and my wife will be happy. It will also show that I have a disposable income.
  • See my kids get good grades, and give them good morals.

    See my kids get good grades, and give them good morals.
    I want to teach my kids good morals because it will positvily reflect on me as a parent. I also want to see my kids get good grades becuase then they will be able to go to a god college, and have a good life.
  • Move away from Chicago, and go somewhere warm

    Move away from Chicago, and go somewhere warm
    I want to move to somewhere warm because I do not want to be traped in the cold when im old. It will also be nice becuase the kids could come and see us.
  • Retire from my job

    Retire from my job
    I want to retire from my job becuase then I could spend more time with my wife, and my kids.
  • See my children get married

    See my children get married
    I want to see my childen because it will make me happy seeing my childen be happy. My son-in-law will also be able to take good care of my daughter.
  • Become a grandfather

    Become a grandfather
    I want to become a grandfather because I want to see if my kids are good parents, like I was. I also want to take care of a baby when I am that old; it will keep me company.
  • Travel all around the world with my wife

    Travel all around the world with my wife
    I want to travel everywhere because I will encounter new experiances with my wife, and I will also eat new food, and I love food!
  • Have a home in a different country

    Have a home in a different country
    I want to have another home becuase it will be a peaceful place to get away if I'm stressed, or just feel like getting away. It will also be good becuase my children could come with me and we could all catch up.
  • Watch grandchildren grow up

    Watch grandchildren grow up
    I want to see my grandchildren grow up because I will see my family name getting carried on. I will also be proud of my children becauss they will be great parents.
  • Make a will

    Make a will
    I want to make a will because if I die, then my family won't have to suffer, and they will have money that I have made in my life.
  • Have a fast car

    Have a fast car
    I want to have a fast car because it will make me feel young, and I will be much happier.
  • Out live all of my kids

    Out live all of my kids
    I want to out live my kids becuase I want my kids to live long, meaningful lives.