Life as I know it

By cruteyk
  • Conception

  • Characteristics developing

    part of my phenotype begins to develop
  • Birthday

    The day I was born
  • shapes

    I notice objects and shapes and can correctly match them in a puzzle board.
  • Walking

    I began walking at 11 months. Somewhat early.
  • Naming explosion

    Vocabulary begins to build at a fast rate
  • Attachment to my mom

    I absolutely hated when my parents would leave me with a babysitter. My world was literally ending in my mind.
  • Growth

    Two years old and I was taller than average with a normal weight.
  • I learned my ABC's and numbers

  • I learned to ride my bike

  • Coloring

    Working on coloring in the lines.
  • kindergarten

    I am now at the 50th percentile for my height. The rest of my class caught up to me.
  • Big talker

    I now know over 10,000 words
  • I am a girly girl

    I liked the color pink, playing with Barbie dolls and trolls
  • Body Changing

    I stated wearing deodarent around the time of entering middle school.
  • I became a student ambassador to Australia

    I had a life changing experience where I was able to see another part of the world and their cultures.
  • Puberty

    At age 12, I started my period and began to develop breasts.
  • Skin Changes

    My skin started to become a bit different and I needed to wash my face at school in order to keep the oil down and to avoid pimples.
  • high school begins

    I was intimdated on my first day of high school because I switched to a private school where I didn't know anyone in my grade. I felt shy and reserved.
  • College

    My social life and outlook on people changed drastically when I went to collge and noticed how everyone got along well and there wasn't cliques like in high school.
  • Haiti trip 1

    I went on my first missions trip where my outlook on life completely changed. I finally decided what was important to me and what was just minor details. Helping others and understanding that clean drinking water is very precious are two big things I took away from this experience. Do not take anything for granted. I am a fortunate person.
  • Haiti Trip #2

    I was so mooved by my first trip to Haiti, I returned for a month. I put their needs first. My team and I worked hard from sunrise to sunset. We built classrooms and taught biblical messages. I learned not to complain.
  • A new life

    I began a new life by moving several states away from my family to Florida. I followed the one I love and eventually married. I had to rely on my own instincts and financially was on my own.
  • Marriage

    I married my best friend
  • We moved back

    My husband and I missed our family and moved back to Michigan. We realized that when we have a family of our own, it will be very important to have the support of our friends and family close by.
  • Greiving

    My grandfather died this morning. I have never lost anyone so close to me. I can't help but cry everytime I think about him which seems like always. This grieving process is very difficult on me.
  • Mourning

    I still am having a difficult time with the death of my grandfather. I have cried almost every day since he passed. Today is the memorial in remembrance of him.
  • preparation

    We are working on turning our house into a home. One day we would like to have children and we are trying to prepare ourselves in many ways for that. We want to have a home that is safe for our children, we want to be financially able to have a family. I want to be at a point with school where it is possible to have a baby. We talk about parenting skills and attributes we wish to poseess.
  • Regarding Death

    Today, if I were to be diagnosed with an incurrable disease, I would be considered in Kubler-Ross' bargaining stage of death. I do not feel as if I will be in denial or angry due to my fatal outcome but I will be more concerned about how little of life I have lived and will try to bargain with God to prolong my life.
  • Birthday

    It is my husbands 30th birthday and plan to have one child on the way and celebrate his life with all of our friends and family
  • Baby?

    Our plans have a baby in the future. I think by now we will be ready.
  • Another child

    Maybe we can have a Christmas baby. We would like to have 3 children, or at least I would, and I would prefer that they are no more than two years apart. I know that it will be challenging to have a 4, 2, and newborn because of the different stages they will be in, but I think in the long run it will be nice to have children that are close in age and good friends (hopefully)
  • College Graduate

    I hope to have my doctorate of physical therapy by now. I have a job lined up at the clinic I have worked for years at.
  • Baby #3

    Our children will be about two years apart making one starting to potty train and the other deciphering what everything is and whose voices belong to who
  • Family Vacation

    All of our children are at a great age to go on a family vacation to Orlando Florida. I hope to be able to enjoy Disney with my kids around this period in my life.
  • social outing

    When I have children, I plan on going on several family outings. This one could include going out to dinner with friends and chuck-e-cheese with the kids. An example of psychosocial development
  • Religion

    I have always been raised going to church. I really enjoy the time I have fellowshipping with others. During my twenties, my priorities have really gotten away from me and now that I am older and have a family, I would really like them to be involved like I was in order to build a great foundation for their families one day
  • Just one more class

    Continuing education will always be important. I figure now will be around the time when some type of technological advance will happen and I will need to take a course in order to understand the advances.
  • Retirement

    I will be 50 years old today and hope to retire. I would rather not have to continue working much later than this because I would like to have time to enjoy my life again with my husband. Hopefully this means children will be out of the house. :)
  • Retirement and marriage

    It will probably be very difficult to adjust to retirement with marriage. It is not easy to go from constantly being busy with work school kids etc. to being able to relax at home. Let alone entertain a husband without becoming annoying
  • Moving Day

    It's almost winter time and I think a new change of pace is necessary. I just retired and it would be nice to live somewhere warmer where the winters are not as harsh as michigan. My body can't seem to take the cold like when I was younger and the biosocial development confirms this.
  • Alzheimers Disease

    Today I will be 65 and due to my family history, I have a strong feeling that I will have a severe case of Alzheimers by now. I have struggled with memory issues since my early twenties and hope that it wasn't a precurser to what I think could be affecting me at this age.
  • Vacation

    I would love to endlessly travel after retirement. I think it will be exciting to see the world with my husband
  • Purple hat ladies

    When I am around this age, I would like to be involved in different organizations. One would be the group of ladies that where purple and red and go out to different places together. I think this will be a fun time to spend connecting with people and building lasting relationships.
  • Possible Death

    At this point in my life I will be 85 years old. I hope that I will be at the Acceptance stage of death in the Kubler-Ross' emotional phase. If I have not died yet, I would like to be at peace with death and at a place where I am ready to leave my family and loved ones.
  • Estimated death

    According to the life calculator from a previous module I will live to be 91. The year 2077 seems so far off, I hope I stay fairly healthy!