French revolution 2

Leila Criswell 7 U.S. History

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    The French Revolution Hits the Streets

    On June 2nd as the National Assembly met at the Versailles, fear and violence consumed the capital. There were rumors of an impending military group circulating.
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    The "Revolution"

    The French was financially involved with the American Revolution. The American Revolution had left the French in bankruptcy. Many expressed their desperation and resentment toward a regime that imposed heavy taxes yet failed to provide relief by rioting, looting and striking.
  • The French Revolution

    The French rebelled against their monarchy in hopes of having a democratic government.
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    The Battle at the Bastille

    Rioters gathered at the Bastille to get gun powder and weapons. A battle ended up breaking out. It was a bloody battle, many people died. That day, June 14, is now known as a national holiday.
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    The Death Certificate to the Old Order

    Some agrarian insurrection hastened the growing exodus of nobles from the country and inspired the National Constituent Assembly to abolish feudalism. They signed what the historian Georges Lefebvre later called the “death certificate of the old order.”
  • Drafting a Constitution

    On August 4th,They adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. It was a statement of democratic principles grounded in the philosophical and political ideas of Enlightenment thinkers.The document proclaimed the Assembly’s commitment to replace the ancien régime with a system based on equal opportunity, freedom of speech, popular sovereignty and representative government. on September 3, 1791, France’s first constitution written