
Learning Inventory

  • Grad School Begins

    Grad School Begins
    General Cohort Syllabus Fall 2012 When I began this program, my only goal was to improve my skills and to network for a future job. I knew I really wanted to be here, but I had no idea what I wanted to do. To paraphrase a horrible man: I didn't know my unknowns yet.
  • Period: to

    Fall Quarter 2012

  • Levin, Ameritopia (2012). I shudder at the mere mention of this book.

    Levin, Ameritopia (2012). I shudder at the mere mention of this book.
    My biggest takeaway: Public policy is more about values than facts. Mark Levin has the exact same facts as I do. His entire book is grounded in the same reality I occupy. And yet every one of his conclusions I find abhorrent. Every one of his conclusions I want to dismiss out-of-hand. I am really glad I read this book.
  • Foundations of Public Policy Learning Objectives

    Foundations of Public Policy Learning Objectives
    Foundations of Public Policy SyllabusFoundations has been hands-down my most valuable class in the entire MPA program. This course added to my perspective on what is public policy and really brought home the idea that the policymaking process is more than a benign tweaking within an orderly system. Schneider and Ingram's book, Policy Design for Democracy (1997), helped me to clarify my thinking. I now look at every policy decision from the perspective of deviants, contenders, dependents, and advantaged.
  • Core Learning Objectives

    Core Learning Objectives
    Learning Objective realized in Core: How to craft documents for information & action, as represented by the White Paper. Learning Objective I miserably failed at: Working in teams. I realized I needed to learn how to not do everything and to speak up when my group is slacking.
  • Wherein my White Paper gets me a job!

    Wherein my White Paper gets me a job!
    This is the day I started my internship with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. I began as an Administrative Intern 3 and ended as a Budget Analyst Intern 3 during the Summer of 2013. Winter Qtr of Core included a section on Lean. I led a Lean project at work. I analyzed & wrote fiscal notes. The OTJ learning helped me during Spring Qtr Core. Learning budgets in Spring got me my internship extension. I planned and wrote decision packages. This internship was an amazing experience.
  • Wherein I fall in love with Field Journals. Thanks Core!

    Wherein I fall in love with Field Journals. Thanks Core!
    Core Winter 2013 Syllabus The 2nd official learning objective was: Develop and improve organizational analysis skills using secondary research and apply organization theories. The output included an organizational analysis and field journals. I learned how to work in a group by bringing my own context, and by not being a contrarian. Also, I'm great at synthesizing lots of info.
  • Period: to

    Winter Quarter 2013

  • International Policy & Public Administration

    International Policy & Public Administration
    Syllabus The best part about this elective was that it was only one weekend long. However, I appreciated the main assignment: In 24-hours write a policy brief and present it. It is a valuable skill to be able to quickly write a paper and present it IRL. I wish I had more practice in this skill.
  • Period: to

    Spring Quarter 2013

  • Policy, Finance & Budgeting for Public Administration

    Policy, Finance & Budgeting for Public Administration
    Spring Quarter Core Syllabus What did I learn? Budgets ARE policy. So, it's good I met that learning objective. On a personal level I am very proud of my work with Lars on our strategic plan. I started really understanding how to apply my learning and to write in a very clear manner. The stand-alone presentation helped me hone my skills to reach all audiences.
  • My mother dies.

    My mother dies.
    This was an important event in my time here as an MPA student. My cohort and teachers rallied behind me and I felt so loved.
  • I separate from my husband.

    I separate from my husband.
    This is the second shock to my psyche to happen during this program. I took my two personal tragedies and began to look inward at myself. This was the catalyst for my personal transformation I have worked on throughout 2nd year core. It inspired me to work on active listening. To reach out and show how much I care for my fellow cohort. And to stand up for myself in a way I hadn't before.
  • Period: to

    Summer Quarter 2013

  • E-Government

    E-Gov Syllabus A key assertion of the course is that the special property of information technology change...presents unique opportunities as well as challenges for public administrators. It was in this course I realized how similar IT and budgets are in terms of understanding for public administrators. My biggest takeaway from this course: I'm an early adopter. And I ought to use social media more often in my work.
  • Started at WSIPP as the Research Assistant

    Started at WSIPP as the Research Assistant
    This position was invaluable to me. It taught me how much I DO NOT want to work on the research side of policy. I am a communictor. I want to work on the communications side of public policy. My dream job would be to work as the Director of Communications for an international environmental policy group. This position led me to my dream.
  • What's the HSR?

    What's the HSR?
    Learning Objectives: Understand research methodology and why we do research in public service; Be familiar with analytical techniques; Become facile with the critiques of analytical techniques; Develop skills in communicating data and writing research reports; Become a savvy & sophisticated consumer of research. Basically I learned how to get through IRB.
  • Period: to

    Analytical Techniques for Public Service 1&2

  • Wherein I use social media as a marketing strategy for my research.

    Wherein I use social media as a marketing strategy for my research.
    After E-Gov I knew I wanted to incorporate social media into anything and everything. I used Tumblr, specifically LOL My Thesis, and Facebook and Twitter to get out the word that I had a survey out in the world. These efforts paid off with more than 60 survey participants.
  • Period: to

    Managing Organizations

  • Excellent! My HSR passed!

    Excellent! My HSR passed!
  • Wherein the quant bubble deflates.

    Wherein the quant bubble deflates.
    Throughout this program I realized I was biased in favor of quantitative research. Not to the detriment of qualitative research, but I believed numbers-based data in inherently better and more objective than other forms of data. I no longer believe that. Quantitative and qualitative research are on equal footing for me now. Neither is inherently better nor more objective than the other. It has made me better at interpreting research.
  • Wherein I learned how to work with people I do not like.

    Wherein I learned how to work with people I do not like.
    Is online news hurting our democratic society?I have worked very hard on myself to be a great teammate over the last 2 years. I started out too willing to do all the work. I started out too controlling because writing (especially) brings out my inner perfectionist. My research project managed to create a wonderful end product, in spite of my inability to see eye-to-eye with my project partner.
  • Wherein I explain how my thinking has changed from 2 years ago.

    Wherein I explain how my thinking has changed from 2 years ago.
    Thesis Statement: I don't need to be outside of the system to keep my values. I don't need to be inside of the system to make change. I am confident I can keep my values and be effective in any realm.
    My Worldview: I believe in our society. I believe we (my cohort) can improve our community. That belief sets us apart from other people in the world. I am proud of myself and my cohort.