KO- French Revolution

  • Robespierre comes to power

    Robespierre comes to power
    Robespierre came to power in the National Assembly. He was a powerful speaker and became very popular during this time with his attacks on the King and Queen.
  • Tennis Court Oath

    Tennis Court Oath
    The Tennis Court Oath was created by the thrid estate during the Estates-General. They banded together and broke into the Kings tennis court and signed an oath saying they wouldnt leave until a new constitution was made.
  • Storming of the Bastille

    Storming of the Bastille
    People had heard that Necker was dismissed from being finance minister and the poeple were not happy when they heard this. They stormed the Bastille after hearing about all the gun powder that was there and all the arms that were stored at the Bastille. The angry mob of people who stormed the Bastille killed all the gaurds and even ripped one apart sticking his head on a stake.
  • Period: to

    French Rev.

  • Declaration of Rights of Man

    The Declaration of Rights of Man was created by the National Assembly for the people of France. It said that everyman was a free man and that they have equal rights with no social distinction.
  • March on Versailles

    March on Versailles
    The women of France set out to Versailles demanding bread because the pricing on bread was too high and they wanted it to be lowered. There was about 6,000 women in the crowd of people who marched with them.
  • Louis's Trial

    King Louis was put on trial by the people, mainly thanks to Robespierre, and was tried with treason. If he was found guilty he would be exicuted. At the end of his trial he was tried with treason and beheaded.
  • The Terror

    This was a time where the French government used terror, suggested by Robespierre, as a way to create order and find a way to become a republic. Hundreds of thousands of people died during the terror. People who supported the Terror believed that they needed to kill those who were against the revolution so they would be able to start their new republic, and that's exactly what they did.
  • Rbespierre killed

    The Convention made Robespierre an outlaw, meaning once he was found by someone he could be executed within the next 24hrs. without a trial. Robespierre tried to kill himself that night but failed and instead shattered his jaw making him unable to talk. The next day Robespierre was put into the guillotine and died.