Kelli Mead's Life

By KM3136
  • birth

    I was born May 24, 1999 at 3:10 P.M. to my parents Rhonda and Gerald. I was there fourth child.
  • first time I ran way.

    I was sitting on my puppy and she took off. No one could find us but this one lady saw us.
  • The first time i played softball

    The first time my parents thought I was ready to play a sport. I started with softball.
  • I went to Missouri

    I went to missouri for the first time sence i was born. My parents thought I was to young to go so we went.
  • My dog bulia died

    My dog bulia died
    We came back from seeing grandpa in the hospital and we walked throught the door she was laying there dead.
  • First day of Kindergarten

    This was the first time I went to Kindergartin. I was 6.
  • My sister graduated from high school

    My sister graduated from high school
    The first person to graduate in my family. It was exciting.
  • I turned 10!

    I turned 10 my first double digit age. I was so proud.
  • The First time I was introduced to my neice and nephews

    The first time I met my neice and nephews was 2 years ago. I was so nervous tell I found out they werent even close to being in middle school
  • My Cousin Got married

    The day my cousin got married it was also the first time I was ever at a wedding.It was a very different wedding it was not normal.
  • Grandpa died

    Grandpa died
    I got a call at 5:26 P.M. that grandpa had died. I had gotten a text like 10 minutes earlier that he went in to a code blue.
  • Today's computer class

    Today's computer class
    I was in cmputer class today for the first time.