Kelley J_PSY 315

  • 7.2 (Transitions)

    Leaving home was big for me when I was transferred to MSSD from MN deaf school. The transition called transition to individuals, being away from home. This day, I still remember what’s feel like when my parents are leaving. It was the hardest thing to see my parents leave for a long period. I remember my mom cried when they were ready to leave. It was a huge change, I became more independent after that and learned how to be assertive. It was one of the best decisions ever I made in my life.
  • 7.3 (Major Life Event)

    Throwback to my senior year in high school, I was sent to home suspension. Afterwards, I lost everything such as sports, club, and many more.I was so lost and became socially distant from everyone else. I have to be working so hard to earn it back (problem-focused coping). I had a wonderful friend who supported me all the way from the beginning to now (social-focused coping). It helps a lot with my coping with the home suspension and everything else. It means a lot to me during that period
  • 7.1 (Fowler)

    Individuative-Reflective Faith, throwback when the pandemic starts hits that’s when I start to reflect myself. I was starting to appreciate who people were there for me. I was looking back on my college years experience, what’s good and what’s bad. What would I like to see some change in myself? At that time, I was realizing that it’s important to do something for yourself not others. At the end of the day, nobody is like you. Therefore, I can do what I want to do for myself.
  • 1.1 (The Beginning)

    I considered myself as an adult when I was 21 years old (social age) The reason why I was an adult at that time was because I was a full time college student, can purchase alcohol stores, independent, vote, etc. One huge thing was the credit card, I received my first credit card when I was 21 years old. That’s where I start to feel I am an adult now because I have responsibility now. Your life will depend on the credit card. If you wants to start living your life and it starts with credit.
  • 4.1 (Young Adult Role Transition)

    Leaving home and returning, this is where I am right now. I am a college student and lived with my parents because of a pandemic. In general, I will be home for the summer. Into middle adulthood, I will be married and raise children (family) by age 27. The challenge in the present would be finding a job and a place to live. I would be able to cope with the support of my family and friends. In order to do this i would need to set up short and long term goals to reach the goal.
  • 2.1 (Oxidative Damage)

    I can see my skin started to have a white spot on my arm from the sunlight known as free radicals. Free radicals are one of the factors responding from the sun. The molecules enter into the many damages where the healthy body can repair. Like my skin has white spots and it’s already damaged and it cannot repair itself.
  • 2.3 (My current healthy lifestyle)

    I think my health lifestyle is pretty good, I always tried to eat fruits and vegetables everyday. I love to workout and I am considering myself as super activated. I like to do something everyday, even small things that do count to me. I have been doing yoga and meditation to help with my stress and daily life. I would like to make some changes, I would like to use sunglasses as often and put some sunscreen on. Other than that, I would keep up with what I do.
  • 4.3 (Adult Attachment Style)

    I agree with the result of mine, the attachment secure is the most accurate for me. The secure attachment into my friendship, family, and partner would depend on them when I needed to. In my heart, I know they will be there for me no matter what. When I wasn’t sure if I should continue playing volleyball, I talked with my friends and family to help with my decision. The secure attachment that I have developed from my parents and it might affect my adult relationship would not be an issue
  • 6.4 (Conscientious)

    Conscientious Stage, I have seen some of the videos mentioned decided what they wanted to do in life like with the job, married, raising a family. Conscientious stage is a definition of following your heart, not others. It doesn't need to be approved by others to make a decision. At age 23 is where I would be making a decision about what I want to do with my life. It’s all about me and what I wanted to do with my life. The decision is more of a long-term goal, not the short-term goal.
  • 6.1 (My RIASEC type)

    My RIASEC type is social, I would say yes, my personality traits are matched to my types because I like to work with people.The job would be school psychologist, therapist, administrator level, works for non-profit organizations, and perhaps research.Yes, this is consistent with what I am looking for and there are so many options to choose from. I am looking for something that I am passionate about. Something that I can invest in my work area and make a difference in the workplace.
  • 6.2 (Super’s Stages)

    Super’s theory: career recycling is the stage where you start to explore to see if this is what you want? Career recycling is where you haven’t settled for a career, the jobs can be different in the next few years. “Time to time during their careers.” Basically it’s an exploration to see if it’s something that you would like to settle in that job? Once you are settled in a job then it would become establishment and maintenance. Age at 30 would be establishment, right now is career recycling
  • 2.4 (Potential consequences of my lifestyle)

    My current health lifestyle will most likely not have health risks if I keep doing exercise, eat healthy food, check up, see treatment if needed, etc. It should not be a problem but again anything can happen. Perhaps do some brain exercise like word search, puzzles, reading books, etc. Consistent with the activation like walking, running, and anything to keep my heart rate stable. Take care of yourself, that's something I believe the most, less chance to receive those kinds of conditions.
  • 4.2 (Older Adult Role Transition)

    By the time I have a family raised, all of my kids are into adulthood now. I will be experiencing the departure of the children. I am expecting I would experience this kind of transition in my early 50s. By the time I am age 50, the kids would be in their 20s. The challenges in this transition would be what’s next or what is my purpose? In order to cope with those kinds of challenges (empty nest) would be through the support of my partner, siblings and friends.
  • 2.2 (Genetic limit)

    The theory of Hayflick's limit comes up with the term called replicative senescence. Replicative senescence is when the cell stops dividing. Those are causes to have genetic influences aging so that means once our body’s cells start to decline the function.The declined function in the cells effects on the aging. This theory could work because once body function starts to shut down and your body will stop running the function.The body is related to the cell divide to keep up with the function.
  • 3.1 (Problem Solving)

    ADL becomes more challenging when it comes to capacity declines, the challenge would be cooking, carrying, dressing, cleaning, driving, etc. The decline could be from decision-making and the decision making would impact on activities daily life. Example of decision making- body feels pain and wouldn’t need a care-provider to support. Chapter 4 explains about older adult use of an avoidant dental strategy due to being too emotional. SOC would help with the new strategy of decision making.
  • 6.3 (Generativity)

    Ego integrity vs despair,I have seen some videos mentioned about how much they were satisfied with their life, and some moments they wished to go back to fix again. When I am going to be 70s and it’s where I would reflect on my life and do I would like to go back again in the past. It’s kinda like an evaluation of my life. What’s the most important event in my life? What is failure? Wherever you have in your life it becomes a purpose/meaningful life.To discover my purpose in life before I died.
  • 8.1 (The End)

    Kelley Johnson was granted her angel wings on November 6, 2094. At her request, the memory service will be held on Friday, November 12, 2094 at noon.
    Kelley Johnson was born on March 16, 1999 in Rochester, Minnesota. Kelley was preceded in death by her husband, Dustin. She is survived by her daughter and sons, her three children, Allison, Jason, and Brandon. She was known for her smiley face. Her wisdom words will be remembered
    Condolences may be sent to P.O. Box 244 1st Ave Wanamingo, MN 55983