
Katie Hendricks French Revolution

  • Guillotine

    It was their new tool used to kill people in the French Revolution. Robes Pierre killed many people with it.
  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    The citizens of France stormed the Bastille to show they were serious about equality among men. The main point of the revolution was equality of men but corrupt rulers always came to power.
  • Execution of Louis

    Execution of Louis
    King Louis was an ignorant, careless king who spent more than he should have. His family moved out of Paris and were brought back by civilians as prisoners, but when they tried to escape they were saw as traitor. After they were captured after trying to escape the king was executed.
  • French invasion

    French invasion
    Napoleon wanted to expand his empire into Asia so he invaded Russia. He gathered 600,000 soldiers to expand his power, but it failed. The Russians out smarted them by destroying all available resources in their path. This means that the french starved and died of coldness.
  • Crowning of Louis XVIII

    Crowning of Louis XVIII
    After Napoleon was taken away Louis XVIII came into power and was not a very good ruler. He went back to their old ways which means that the revolution was pointless but Napoleon returned and made a systematic law that changes Louis' way of leadership.