

  • 4.4 Childhood Attachment Experiences

    I would say that being unable to trust a parental figure damaged my ability to trust. I'd like to avoid that again. Examples: Being afraid of them. Realizing they had betrayed me. Realizing they had never loved me, etc. This set the basis for my internal working model. Also, the experience of growing up with disabilities and being set apart from others has made me feel so "unsetapartable" that I feel I am unable to be loved by a partner.
  • 7.2 Transitions

    When my best friend died in 2007, it sparked a spiritual transition for me from one of apathy, to becoming a christian, and then to non-belief. The transition was uncomfortable and dislocating as I searched for meaning in life in the midst of death. I moved from not being on Fowler's scale to, synthetic -conventional faith, and finally to individuative-reflective faith. It did not move me into integrative faith maybe because I wasn't on the scale at all when the crisis hit.
  • 7.3 Major Life Event

    In the fall of 2012 I began to have trouble sleeping. I found that no matter what, I would wake up at 7:30am. This has continued up until now. To cope with this stressor I've vented, used social coping and have tried active coping. You don't feel good when you don't get enough sleep, so venting and looking for emotional support (also known as social coping) is normal. Active coping would be trying to go to sleep earlier. I still have trouble sleeping, so these coping strategies have not worked.
  • 6.1 My RIASEC type.

    My RIASEC type is I (invetigative) S (social) R (realistic). In terms of investigative I I do have a strong sense of investigative curiousity I don't like the thought of having to deal with the problems of others. Social makes sense because i'm a psych major. Jobs that fit my top two types are scientists and counselors. I'd prefer investigating over working with people, so this is consistent with how I envision my future job as a scientist.
  • 2.1 Oxidative Damage

    To prevent the production of free radicals, I have designed a line of clothing which is embedded with lead. Each thread has a lead strand running within it to ensure that any x rays in your environment will not radiate you and cause oxidative damage. This clothing line will also be sufficiently dense enough to block UV rays which could also contribute to the formation of free radicals. For maximum results, a person should start wearing our line when nearing their mid twenties.
  • 2.2- Genetic Limits

    To elongate the length of telomeres and take advantage as much as possible of the Hayflick Limit of human beings, I have designed a helmet which alters the state of consciousness of the wearer. This helmet will reduce stress, which is one of the causes of shortened telomeres and shortened life. The wearer will be transported to a place of nature, unlocking a primitive knowledge of where human beings came from. Cortisol levels will drop and telomeres will lengthen.
  • 2.3- My current healthy lifestyle

    Theoretically I do eat my fruits and vegetables every day. I also refrain from eating junk food. I don’t smoke, and I drink moderately. The only two things I do not do is get enough exercise or use sunscreen. I lead a sedentary lifestyle. If I were to make my lifestyle healthier, I’d wear sunglasses indoors and outdoors to prevent cataracts. Wear sunscreen year-round, and exercise more often than just walking back and forth to class.
  • 3.1 Episodic Memory

    Episodic memory is the ability to recall events. If my episodic memory were effected I might want to compensate by writing a daily diary of events to help me remember my past more readily if need be. I don't think this would affect ADLs or IADLs much. It may affect the person if they were called to be a witness in a court or if there was a family reunion in which people were reminiscing about the "good old days".
  • 3.2 Prospective Memory

    With the decline of prospective memory, although it is not as great as for episodic memory, I can see going to the grocery store and remembering all the items to buy being more of a challenge for an older person, and remembering appointments. This is why utilizing grocery lists, calendars (both digital calendars and "analog" calendars) and planning books for each month/week/day would become important.
  • 4.3 Adult Attachment Style

    The quiz results told me that I have a fearful attachment. I would agree with this although at some other points in my life I think I've had qualities of preoccupied attachment style. I tend to like meeting people and learning about them, but I can't self-disclose enough to continuously be close to them. So, initially I may open up but then I close back up because I'm sensitive and think others will judge me. Lance and I were close, but then I stopped self-disclosing to him.
  • 6.4- Conscientious

    In Matthew's film, I noticed that he mentioned about Dr. Krichbaum that she always got good grades throughout her school years and got her PhD (which indicates a long-term goal). This further goes on to indicate that Dr. Krichbaum is very responsible , and is achievement oriented. Because she was well-read as a child she could probably express her inner life using a large vocabulary.
  • 6.3- Intimacy vs. Isolation

    For Shu Han Guo's Mom's Friend, she experienced isolation when she was 19, due to people thinking her father was a communist. When a person is 19 they face the "crisis" of to be able to be intimate with another person, which means they can fuse with another person without losing their own identity or risk isolation. Her need to face this "crisis" was thwarted due to social issues in America at the time.
  • 7.1 Fowler

    I'm an atheist. I think I would say that individuative-reflective faith (288) in a secular sense fits me. It fits me because I rely on my own sense of logic and self-education to make decisions on issues and positions. In studying whether or not ghosts/spirits exist. I thought about the TV show Ghost Hunters. I concluded that because the "evidence" they collected never showed up in scientific journals, that it was not evidence at all and that ghosts did not exist.
  • 1.1 The Beginning

    When I first pay a bill that is when I will consider myself to at least begin the proces of adulthood. This is not a biological marker. I consider my psychological and social age to be different from my chronological age. I don't think I am of a functional age yet. By most people's standards I assume my my social clock is a bit "off" because of this.
  • 4.1 Adult Role Transition

    For this role, i expect to move in and out of the house several times. It has happened with me moving out to live in a dorm at college and coming home during breaks. However, I expect this transition to change into an apartment instead of a dorm at some point, and a job instead of college. I expect to go back and forth several times until I find stability. It's not something I envision happening all at once. I expect to finalize this transition at a later age than most.
  • 6.2 Super’s Stages.

    I have chosen to be a scientist. I imagine either a research psychologist or a biologist. I'm in the establishment stage of Super's Stages and I have just been promoted from research assistant to a full researching scientist. I hope to someday be the supervising scienstist and then hold that position in Maintenance.
  • 4.2 Older Adult Role Transition

    I expect that at some point I will have to start caring for my mother when she is older. Then, I will take on the role of a caregiver. It will fall to me because my brother is a helper and not a co-provider due to the structure in my family. I anticipate that I will feel caregiver burden and this will be the most difficult part of this role transation. I don't think I will have much support because my family isn't close and I think I'll have a job, so these two factors will increase the stress.
  • 2.4- Potential consequences of my lifestyle.

    I am at elevated risk for cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s because I lead a sedentary lifestyle. I will focus on cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s because they run In my family. My diet and low-normal weight will hopefully prevent me from getting cardiovascular disease. I also do not smoke, which will protect me against both as well.
  • 8.1 The End

    Katherine E. Glatfelter, otherwise known as Kate or Katie Glatfelter, passed away on Dec 23, 2050. She was a long time resident of Bowie, Maryland married for 20 years and died there. She is survived by her 2 adult sons Jake and Will, her husband and the family dog, Emma. She graduated high school from Model Secondary School for the Deaf, and from Gallaudet University with a BA and MA in Psychology. She went on to be a counseling psychologist for the Deaf until her retirement.