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Journey Line of Cale Pratt-Cordova

  • Birth

    ACCOMPLISHMENT LVL 10: Being born was the start of everything for me. If I was not born I would not be creating this timeline, plain and simple.
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    Each event on ths timeline will be labeled either Crucible or Accomplishment followed by a LVL designator. The LVL's ranging from 1-10. 1 being the lowest amount of emotional toll and a 10 being the highest. You can also adjust the scale in which you view the timeline by clicking and dragging the double arrows located on the outside of the blue bar at the bottom of the timeline.
  • My Dad's Struggle

    My Dad's Struggle
    CRUCIBLE LVL 8: Roughly around this time my father divorced my stepmother and began seeking help for his addiction to alcohol. The next 8 years of my life would be spent questioning his feelings towards me as his outbursts of anger and rage, often times directed toward me, caused me to doubt our relationships strength. I learned the affects someone's actions can have on others. I also recognized my dad's determination in his will to beat his addiction.
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    My Dad's Struggle

    CRUCIBLE LVL 8: Roughly around this time my father divorced my stepmother and began seeking help for his addiction to alcohol. The next 8 years of my life would be spent questioning his feelings towards me as his outbursts of anger and rage, often times directed toward me, caused me to doubt our relationships strength. I learned the affects someone's actions can have on others. I also recognized my dad's determination in his will to beat his addiction.
  • Grandmother's Death

    Grandmother's Death
    CRUCIBLE LVL 5: The death of my Grandma was something that was very hard for me. I remember her as one of the nicest people on the planet. She always made you feel at home no matter who you were. I loved my Grandma very much and it took my awhile to adjust to not having her around. She taught me some great life lessons, like how to accept the bad and move past it to keep enjoying the good things in life.
  • Transfer to New School

    Transfer to New School
    CRUCIBLE LVL 3: During my last year of Middle School I transferred schools to a completely new district where I did not know a single person. I had always had my same group of friends since I started school, so it was hard for me to adjust to not knowing anybody. For the first year I struggled to make friends, but eventually I started to meet more people and it turned out not to be that bad of a situation. I learned how to step outside my comfort zone and interact with new people.
  • Accepted into USMA

    Accepted into USMA
    ACCOMPLISHMENT LVL 9: This was the day i learned of my acceptance into West Point. I had worked hard in high school so that I would be able to gain admission into the college of my choosing. Seeing all the hard work pay off and helping my family by taking off the financial burden of putting me through college was very rewarding.
  • Accepting Christ

    Accepting Christ
    ACCOMPLISHMENT LVL 9: This day was crucial in my life as I finally accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior. It forever changed my outlook on life and how I was going to live my life. I feel this experience gave me purpose and new meaning.
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    ACCOMPLISHMENT LVL 5: I never doubted that I would eventually graduate from high school, but I am more proud about all that I accomplished during it. I made multiple friends that I will most likely stay in contact with for the rest of my life, I met my fiance, I figured out what I wanted to do with my life and ultimately took the first step in achieving my goals in getting accepted into USMA and graduating high school.
  • West Point R-Day

    West Point R-Day
    CRUCIBLE LVL 5: This was the start of my Army Career and time at West Point. It also marked the first time in my life I would be leaving home and living on my own. I was very unsure as to what West Point would be like and as to whether I would enjoy the experience. I ended up enjoying BEAST very much and although it was not the crucible I expected, it did challenge me in many ways.
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    R-DAY and Beast Barracks

    CRUCIBLE LVL 5: This was the start of my Army Career and time at West Point. It also marked the first time in my life I would be leaving home and living on my own. I was very unsure as to what West Point would be like and as to whether I would enjoy the experience. I ended up enjoying BEAST very much and although it was not the crucible I expected, it did challenge me in many ways.
  • Acceptance Day

    Acceptance Day
    ACCOMPLISHMENT LVL 6: This was the day I made it through Beast and was accepted into the corps of cadets. I was very happy to see my family again that day and was proud to make it through one of the most challenging aspects of West Point. It also gave me the chance to see examples of good and bad leadership styles in the form of the cadet cadre.
  • Helping out a Loved One

    Helping out a Loved One
    CRUCIBLE LVL 10: This experience was, by far, the hardest thing I have ever been through. Watching someone so close to me battle through depression and thoughts of suicide is something no one can prepare for. In the end, I was lucky enough to keep this person in my life and watch them overcome this challenge in theirs. This crucible gave me a new perspective on how to enjoy the time you have with those you love and never take any of that time for granted.
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    Helping out a Loved One

    CRUCIBLE LVL 10: This experience was, by far, the hardest thing I have ever been through. Watching someone so close to me battle through depression and thoughts of suicide is something no one can prepare for. In the end, I was lucky enough to keep this person in my life and watch them overcome this challenge in theirs. This crucible gave me a new perspective on how to enjoy the time you have with those you love and never take any of that time for granted.
  • Becoming Engaged

    Becoming Engaged
    ACCOMPLISHMENT LVL 10: In my opinion this, so far, has been the biggest day of my life. I got engaged to my girlfriend of 3 years. She has been with me through many of the struggles in my life and supported me through my leaving for college and joining the Army. I feel that I am a very lucky man to have her in my life. She has taught me that with a strong support system to rely on, virtually anything you set your mind to is possible.
  • USMA Graduation

    USMA Graduation
    ACCOMPLISHMENT LVL 9: This will be the culmination of all my time here at West Point. It will mark the day when I become an Officer in the U.S. Army. I'm sure that many triumphs and challenges will ensue from this day forward, and I will face these experiences with the skills and knowledge that I've gained over my time at West Point and beyond.