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Journey Line

  • Welcome to Rosamond (Category 5)

    Welcome to Rosamond (Category 5)
    Welcome to Rosamond California, where dreams go to die.
  • From Soccer to Football (Category 6)

    From Soccer to Football (Category 6)
    It was rough making the transition, I never played a full contact sport. If I never swithced from soccer to football, things could have been much different. I might of had the chance to play in the MLS and ended up never going to West Point. Its the small turn of events that makes me wonder, what if?
  • Air Force JROTC (Category 2)

    Air Force JROTC (Category 2)
    JROTC was rough but worth it. I stayed in the program throughout my entire High School career. Kids began realizing how beneficial the program was so by my senior year, the number of high school cadets was at a all time high.
  • My Little Sister (Category 9)

    My Little Sister (Category 9)
    What started as a dilemma turned out to be one of my life's greatest blessings.
  • The Loss of a Best Friend (Category 6)

    The Loss of a Best Friend (Category 6)
    When my dog died, I always told myself that I would never own another dog. It felt pointless to have a pet which only brought tragedy but then I realized that after all those good memories we had, I would much rather live and suffer then never had lived at all.
  • Talent Show (Category 3)

    Talent Show (Category 3)
    Along with death, stage freight is up as one of the top things that people fear. On 14 February 2013, I defeated that fear.
  • ASB President (Category 4)

    ASB President (Category 4)
    In high school, I wasn't the most popular kid in school, especially compared with the kids I ran against. Though what I did realize was that people trusted me with high positions whether it was sports, academics or social life. Thats the only reason I could think of why I won the election and I used it to fuel my motivation to attend West Point
  • Senior Year (Category 8)

    Senior Year (Category 8)
    My last year of high school was a bit rough. I had college on my mind, lots of AP classes to focus on and I quit the team. I don't blame them for the way they reacted from my actions, it was a bit selfish of me. So everytime I think of them, I try to think of all the good times we had.
  • Prep School Basic Trainning (Category 9)

    Prep School Basic Trainning (Category 9)
    This was my first taste of the Army. Its was here that I told myself I will always appreciate the little things like time, a blanket, civilian clothes, good food, my parents....