Jonathan's timeline

  • Born

    Born at mercy hospital in cleveland OH.
  • My very first christmas

    My first christmas, I remember playing with my toys for hours that day.
  • 1st birthday

    I had a thomas tank engine party with a really good cake made by my mom.
  • My dad read my the first book I remember.

    The first book I remember was a bedtime story and it was Goodnight Moon.
  • 911

    I was only 1 when 9-11 happened but I still remember my parents being really sad that day. As I grow older I look back on that day and talk with my mom and dad
  • ADD

    I was diagnosed with ADD ( attention deficit disorder ) when I was still 1. I had to start taking meds to make me pay more attention to people.
  • First time playing in snow.

    My first time playing in snow had begun my lifelong love of snow.
  • turning 2

    was really sick on my 2nd birthday so I just had a muffin instead of cake.
  • 1st trick or treating.

    The first time I ever went trick or treating. I was dressed up as a fireman.
  • 3rd birthday

    I don't remember much of my 3rd birthday. But my parents say I slept most of the day.
  • new years noon.

    When I was 3 my parents didn't want me to stay up until midnight on new years so they made up this thing called new years noon so instead of midnight its noon.
  • My first playdate.

    The first time I ever hung out with someone or had a playdate my parents called it. Was when I was 3 with a kid called Mike we played trains all day.
  • turn 4

    My 4th birthday I had Mike and some other kids at my house for cake and games. My parents said we were really happy.
  • Grandma and Grandpa's for christmas

    When I was 4 I went to my mom's parents house for christmas. It introduced me to a whole bunch of traditions and foods.
  • Move to Minnesota

    When I was 4 my family moved to minnesota because my dad got a job there.
  • turn 5

    When I was 5 I had a birthday on my own because I had friends in that new town until I started school.
  • Preschool

    I started Preschool when I was 5 I made a ton of new friends.
  • Go to California

    When I was 5 I went to california and more importantly disneyland.
  • turn 6

    When I turned six I had people from preschool come to my house to once again have cake and play games.
  • 1st grade!

    I started 1st grade my teacher was named Mrs. Schaffer and she was amazing.
  • turn 7

    I turned 7 and had a transformers themed birthday party.
  • 2nd grade!

    My second grade teacher was Ms. Likens. By second grade I had established myself as a pretty nice guy.
  • Mama and Dado's for christmas

    When I was 7 I went to Mama and Dado's ( my dad's parents for christmas )
  • valentines day

    The first valentines day I remember. Everybody passed out valentines with candy in them. It was great.
  • turn 8

    I had my 8th birthday party at a trampoline park me and my friends had so much fun.
  • Start 3rd grade

    My third grade teacher was Mrs. Anderson. She was my favorite teacher ever.
  • went to Disney World

    I went to disney world when I was 8 over spring break. I had so much fun.
  • turn 9

    My ninth birthday party was at our town pool. I had my whole school class there.
  • dado dies.

    my dad's dad died when I was 9 it was the saddest thing I have ever been through.
  • Turning 10

    I had my usual group of friends over at this point. Jom, Jane, Joey, Jackie.
  • start 5th grade

    4rth grade wasn't very eventful so I didn't put it as a point. But My 5th grade teacher was Mr. Walker my first male teacher.
  • turn 11

    My eleventh birthday was at a trampoline park again. With my usual group of friends, but we had a new kid Jake, he was pretty cool.
  • Start middle school

    I moved up from elementary to middle school. the school was named excelsior. My sixth grade year was great.
  • turn 12

    My twelfth birthday party was business as usual same friends, same trampoline park same stuff.
  • 7th grade.

    This was my first day of 7th grade. The year started out great.
  • It happens...

    This was it this was the day Jackie Wuertomas beat me up. It was lunch as normal. Slop on a stick with deep fried gruel again. I was telling jokes when Jackie walked over and threw me on the ground. That's when I blacked out. That's when everybody stopped talking to me and I was sent to the worst seat at our lunch table. I didn't lose my friends, just they lost part of me.
  • Turn 13

    My birthday was alone I had a cupcake my parents made for me. I lost a lot of my social life when jackie beat me up, as you can see by the rest of the timeline.
  • went to boston with mom and dad.

    when I was 13 my parents took me to boston. We went around the historic parts most of the time. It was great nonetheless.
  • Started coding.

    One day while in my room I was browsing the web and found an online class about coding I decided to take it. It was free after all, I learned a lot from the class and It has helped shape my life.
  • turned 14

    I stayed home in my room that day, coding. Coding a wall away from my family. All the time I spent in my room separated me from them.
  • start high school...

    no more popular than I was last year.
  • go to DC for school

    I stay in my own room away from everybody else. But once you get over the crippling loneliness it was fun.
  • turn 15

    My 15th birthday was the same as the past three years. Alone.
  • new years.

    This was the first new years that I didn't fall asleep for and was able to do the countdown with my mom and dad.
  • go to a football game.

    This football game was a large step in my personality. It was my first public event in a while.
  • turn 16

    Alone again, but with my family and not in my room.
  • 2016 election.

    It was a major disappointment for me, the green party didn't win. As always.
  • turn 17

    I spent my 17th birthday party with my parents. I had spent the last few months coding a game we could all play together. It was one of my happiest memories in recent years.